Dragon Age reviewed by ubay0077

in gaming •  7 years ago 


Hello steemian how are you today? welcome back with me ubay0077 the gaming author, streamer and video creator. as usually i review a new game that i found to you its called Dragon Age. so if you interested with this game just install it ok but the game need to purchase firstly.

Approximately a month ago I wrote my initial impression of playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. The initial impressions were made based on my early hours of adventuring in Ferelden and Orlais (or more precisely at The Hinterlands). Then why take a month until I dare to present you a complete review of this game? The reason is quite simple, because Dragon Age: Inquisition is a very big game. How big? One area in this game alone can get you sucked into an adventure that lasts for several long game sessions. The amount of places you can explore in Dragon Age: Inquisition even makes me sometimes forget that this game is not an open-world game.

But is it big and the number of things you can do is enough to justify the money and time you sacrifice for this game? If you're still wondering, that's what this review is about. Without longer, just go to the main discussion of Dragon Age: Inquisition

Its big

When asked about a single word to describe Dragon Age: Inquisition, I would obviously choose the word "big". Starting from the size of a large game on the computer (about 24 GB), large map size to explore, enemies such as giants and dragons that have a large size, as well as many other "big things". But does the size of this game affect the quality it has? Honestly ... yes.

Dragon Age: Inquisition memang menyajikan banyak peta besar untuk dijelajahi, dan masing-masing peta punya banyak misi yang harus dijalankan. Sayangnya di antara misi-misi tersebut banyak sekali misi-misi standar yang akan kamu temukan seperti “habisi monster X”, “temukan barang Y”, atau yang lebih konyol lagi ada juga misi mengantarkan kerbau (yang di game ini disebut Druffalo) melewati peta yang sangat luas. Meskipun begitu secara tidak sadar kamu akan selalu berusaha untuk mencoba menyelesaikan misi-misi yang ada. Sebuah perasaan yang mungkin sering dialami pemain RPG demi memperkuat karakter mereka dengan experience untuk menaikkan level atau dengan senjata dan perlengkapan untuk memperkuat anggota tim yang bisa didapatkan melalui misi-misi repetitif ini.

Tapi ingat, jangan sampai beberapa misi membosankan menghalangi kamu untuk memainkan Dragon Age: Inquisition. Karena untuk setiap misi membosankan yang ada, kamu akan menemukan banyak misi seru seperti sebuah misi di mana kamu harus bermain politik di sebuah pesta, misi mengunjungi karakter tertentu untuk urusan diplomatis, sampai ke misi-misi lucu seperti harus berbicara dengan seekor Drufallo

Control of the Battle

For the battle, Dragon Age: Inquisition still brings the hallmark of gameplay owned Dragon Age II. Here you are given the option to play like an action RPG game or a full-fledged RPG strategy. When playing with action RPG style, the fight will take place in real-time and faster. This fighting style will be more suitable if you play on console or by using gamepad. In addition, from my own experience, playing Dragon Age: Inquisition in action mode feels more appropriate if the characters used have a warrior class or a dual wield rogue. When using archers or wizards, the game feels slightly less comfortable to be played in action than those melee classes

For a stylish battle strategy known as Tactical Mode, you will be presented with a completely different camera viewing angle and control scheme. Tactical Mode is arguably the most suitable fighting style of Dragon Age: Origins. You can stop the game, specify the commands you give to the team members, and see the results. You can just take your hand off when in Tactical Mode and wait until the enemy runs out, but be careful because it can be too casual in this game instead to make your team members overwhelmed against the enemy.

Although supported by a very good fighting system, Dragon Age: Inquisition is plagued with problems that are quite disturbing on the camera. This game has a camera that is quite often problematic especially if you play it using the mouse and keyboard. The camera will be difficult to control, and sometimes when it goes into Tactical Mode the camera will acting up and displaying images that are overly zoomed and improperly targeted. This will usually be very disturbing if you are excited against a big enemy like a boss or a dragon.

If you want a good camera control in this game, I suggest you play it using a gamepad. Because with the gamepad, the camera control feels much better. Just instead you have to give up obvious shortcuts that can only be found if you play Dragon Age: Inquisition with mouse and keyboard. Oh though without a shortcut, when you play with the gamepad, the form of the pause menu you face will turn into a form that is very easy to control with a gamepad like the picture above.

on the sidelines of dozens of hours I played single player from Dragon Age: Inquisition, I also took the time to try out the multiplayer aspect of this game. If you play Dragon Age: Inquisition in hopes of getting an exciting multiplayer experience, then you will obviously be disappointed.

About multiplayer

In multiplayer, you will be presented with a choice of characters that can not be physically replaced as free as a single player, and then you will be placed on a mission that can be fairly simple. Because it is played by more than one player, in multiplayer mode you can not access Tactical Mode or stop the game to set the strategy first. All aspects of gameplay in this mode run in real-time. Make Dragon Age: Inquisition as if it is a fully action RPG game.

Unfortunately to be able to play multiplayer mode, you will need a very good internet. A little one player loses connection, then the whole progress of the game will immediately disappear. This is something I still experience even though I tried multiplayer mode by using a good Internet connection at Games in Asia office.

Your character, your weapons, your troops
Like other Bioware games, in Dragon Age: Inquisition you are also given the opportunity to create your own character. You can choose from the race of characters, gender, and class or style of fighting that carried your character. All of these options will not only affect the way you play, but will also affect some narrative sections. For example, if your character is an elf, then he will often be looked down upon by humans, whereas if your character class is a witch then he will be a little isolated from the environment. Things like this that make Dragon Age: Inquisition so exciting to play.

In addition to the characters, you can also manage the weapons and protection of your team members quite freely. In addition to searching for or purchasing weapons and armor, you are given the ability to make the equipment itself, either from the basic form of the equipment, or just a component to upgrade. He cried, the material you use to make the equipment will affect the ability and physical form of the equipment in question. Make a really cool little realistic feeling when you assemble those things in a game.

Last is about the headquarters where your troops are on alert. This section reminds me very much of the Suikoden series that allows your hero to occupy a base and gather various people to complete the base. The difference with Suikoden, the options you have here are more diverse. For example, you are given the opportunity to build a garden in your headquarters, you can choose whether the park will be more concentrated as a medicinal garden or as a place of worship. These decisions can affect the inventories as well as the various side things your character and troop have. In addition to the above activities, in your headquarters you can also enter the War Room which has a kind of mini game itself that reminds me of browser games. Check details about this feature through the video review above.

Beautiful Scenery With Low Terms

Honestly I may not be the right person to talk about graphics in the game. I usually prioritize visual styles rather than technical sophistication. Even so I can confirm that for Dragon Age's visual affairs: Inquisition will not disappoint you. Because this game is also available for the last generation console such as PS3 and Xbox 360, so of course Dragon Age: Inquisition has the lowest graphic point sufficient ... well ... low. By using the specification of the PC downstairs anyway you are guaranteed to still be able to enjoy this game without interruption, unless suddenly appeared a bug that unfortunately is rather often out in the game.

When I play Dragon Age: Inquisition with an existing PC in the Games in Asia office, I managed to install the ultra settings (with some lowered sections) and still get a very high frame rate. Once I play it in a home that has a medium specification, the game can still run in high settings and still get a frame rate of about 30 fps.

Unfortunately when trying Dragon Age: Inquisition on the PS4, the game suffers a bit of a nuisance in which some objects come up late. However, whichever version you play, it is guaranteed you will still be able to enjoy Dragon Age: Inquisition very well.

Weird Dialogs And Smiley Smiles

The last part I will discuss is the story of the Dragon Age: Inquisition. When reading the title of the review that says this game is like a Hollywood version of Suikoden, you certainly expect something epic. If that's what you're thinking, I do not know whether you'll be disappointed or not.

Dragon Age: Inquisition brings a story that can be considered very standard. This game is full of cliches commonly found in fantasy fiction. Even honestly, how this game makes your main character feels so special role I think very impressed. But do not be so influenced by my comments, because despite the cliches, the story in Dragon Age: Inquisition remains interesting to follow, especially if you follow the story of each character that is more personal.

Like Bioware games like Mass Effect or Dragon Age before, you will be given the opportunity to chat with your troops whether they can be invited to party or not. This conversation serves to strengthen your relationship with the character that is likely to open a variety of additional exciting mission to follow. In addition, some characters can also you pacari where the relationship that there could end up ... * uhuk * uhuk *.

Unfortunately, as if still holding on to the old culture, Dragon Age: Inquisition brings back the shortcomings of the narrative parts you usually find in Bioware games. The shortcomings most often arise are about the responses that your characters spend in the conversation. Not infrequently your character will be given the choice of answers or questions to be conveyed to the other person, but not infrequently also sentences that come out of the choice is different from the choices provided, this is exacerbated by the fact that sometimes these choices can quite affect the story.

In addition to the eccentric dialogue, you will also find facial expressions that are sometimes creepy and seem creepy from your character. Usually that creepy expression will appear when your character approaches the affairs of love. But while still maintaining old flaws and market cliches, it is undeniable Dragon Age: Inquisition will make it hard to stop playing until the end of the story has been achieved.

Conclusion: Majestic And Big

So after discussing at length about this game, is Dragon Age: Inquisition a worthy game to play? Of course yes! Despite having some disadvantages such as bugs that often appear, the camera is annoying, the story is rather cliched, the dialogue system nyeleneh, and the expression of a somewhat creepy character ... wow it's a long list ... Dragon Age: Inquisition remains a very exciting RPG to follow, especially if you are already following the Dragon Age series from the first.

Oh yeah, if you wish you could carry your character data from Dragon Age before, be prepared to be disappointed because you can not do it. Instead Bioware created what they call Dragon Age Keep. Through Dragon Age Keep you can define all the options that existed in previous Dragon Age games in a design that looks really cool. If you are patient enough to choose all the options available in Dragon Age Keep, please spend your time in this web application. But if you do not have time to do so, start the Dragon Age: Inquisition with standard credentials from Bioware is still a very exciting experience.

Thats all i can share the information to you thank you !

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