Unpopular Gaming Opinions

in gaming •  7 years ago 

These are some general Unpopular Opinions I have About Games in General.

These are Opinions that I don't have any other Place to talk about them. or Forget to say them on the Last Unpopular Opinions Blogs

So here we go

  1. Linear Games are Underrated, and Open World games are Overrated.
  2. No Mans Sky was not That Bad.
  3. I dont care for Chrono Trigger, yea the Graphics and music are Good, but the Gameplay is rather Simplistic and bland.
  4. I honestly Dont care for Overwatch, Maybe the Practice of Loot Boxes in a Game that's Full Price Still Bugs me.
  5. Water Levels are not as bad as People say they are.
  6. While Sonic '06 is a bad Game, its fun to just make fun of the Game for being so Glitchy.
  7. I find the Classic Gameplay of old Final Fantasy Dull. I know its the Game Series that Made JRPGs Popular but I get Bored of it often.
  8. I dont think Metroid Prime Federation Force is that Terrible. Its pretty fun to team up with your friends for some co-op action.
  9. Majora's Mask is one of my least favorite Zelda Games, While I wont Deny that it's a Good Game, But It has some of the Worst Dungeons in the Series, with the Addition of the Time-based puzzles and the 3 Day Time limit and the Plot being so Dark and Depressing, Its hard for me to Pick it up, because I dont have fun playing it, Instead I feel Depressed and stressed while Playing.
  10. Fire Emblem Awakening was a Good Game, But as a "Fire Emblem" Title, It was Pretty Poor, It's Extremely Unbalanced to the Point where it gets Comical.
  11. Battleblock Threater is Boring, yea the Cutscenes are Fantastic, but Look past them you get the Most Bland and Generic Platformer ever.
  12. Rotation Battles is my Favorite Battle Format In Pokemon, Curse you gen 7 for getting rid of them!
  13. I don't Care for the Sonic Adventure Series.
  14. Starfox Assault is the most Underrated game in the Series.
  15. I don't like Lillie in Gen 7 of Pokemon.
  16. The Whole "PC Master Race" thing is Dumb.
  17. Pokemon's Nuzlocke Challenge, is a STUPID Idea.
  18. I dont Think TF2 Should become an E-Sport.
  19. People Talk Sh!t on The New Super Mario Bros Series for being Repetitive, yet the Yoshi Games get a Free Pass, Despite the Fact that they Practically Reuse the same Final Boss for every Game, and Reuse level themes from the first game
  20. Undertale's Soundtrack is Overrated, Don't get me Wrong, its good, but it gets more Praise then it Deserves.
  21. Clones in Smash bros are not so bad, they dont take as much time to code in so no they dont "Take up Slots", only Lazy Clones Like Doctor Mario can go die.
  22. I dont care for Marx from Kirby Superstar, He is just Magolor but Worse, With Marx he does NOTHING but Hijack the Plot and Betray you, With Magolor, he unlocks cool stuff and you actually see him again after his game.
  23. Inanimate object Pokemon are not that Bad, Some can be Really good if there is a good enough lore behind it.
  24. It's ok to Like a game even if it has a Bad Community.
  25. Five Nights at Freddys can go Die in a Fire(he he). Though I really liked Fnaf World for what it was.

And that's about it. 25 Unpopular Opinions that I have. Please Share some of yours with me. I Encourage you. and Please dont get angry when

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I don't see a lot to disagree with here. Then again I haven't played a lot on your list. I can't speak out too broadly against nonlinear games, since Minecraft has consumed nearly a decade of my life now. (With some healthy breaks mixed in.) The Sims had me going for a while but I got bored before too long.

I'll add this: boss battles are the worst part of any game. Ugh. Just when you're all excited for the next chapter of the story, you come up against something you've got to do again and again until you get sick of it and just watch a playthrough on Youtube.

Wait. Really? You dont like Boss battles? I freaking love Boss battles. Yea there are some bad bosses. but there are some amazing fights too. Most of the time they Exist as a Test of Skill which is absolutely needed in most games.

I might be a gaming lightweight. But... When I'm playing through a linear game, and it's good, and really drawing me into the story and making me identify with the character, and then I've gotta figure out what combination of buttons to press to kill some giant monster while stress-inducing music is pounding out of the speakers... It just ruins the sense of the narrative for me.

I know I could just watch a movie. But I do like the deeper immersion you get from a 12-20 hour game, and the way it makes you feel like you've got a stake in the characters.

Take Bioshock Infinite. I got to the final battle on the airship deck and tried getting through that over ten times. Each time it takes about fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes of seeing the same things happen again and again, and maybe getting a little bit farther, and then dying anyway. Two and a half hours of that crap. Yeah, I turned it down to the easiest settings. Like I said, I'm a lightweight. But the rest of the game wasn't nearly as hard, even on medium difficulty.

If you could save at will, it might be a little better. So I guess that's my other unpopular opinion. If a game doesn't let me save when I want, it better have checkpoints every two minutes or less. Otherwise I'm out.

Ok, yea, I can kinda see where you are coming from in a Story telling sense, but 90% of the time, a Game is Usually Gameplay first, I know there Exist games Like Bioshock Infinite that are more narrative focused and I agree that for the Games that are Super Narrative Focused Should tone down on Difficulty.

The Main appeal of bosses come from the satisfaction of dealing with a Large Obstacle, Thats why the Music is generally Stress-inducing , and why Boss Fights tend to be Difficult, Its Supposed to add to the satisfaction of Conquering a Challenge.

I agree with your stance on Save Points. Thats one of the reasons I prefer Portability over Graphics on consoles. Because If I am Called to do something I dont have to Quickly find a Save Point just to put the game down, For a Portable system I can just put the system in sleep mode and go back later.

So, the idea with Boss Battle Music gave me an Idea for my next blog here. so yea. thanks for the Idea.

You're welcome. And I may go off and write a post about Boss Battles. I love the way ideas feed of each other in Steemit!

I'm VERY Old School when it comes to video games.

That is, I have absolutely no use whatsoever for the really violent games where the "blood-and-gore" factor is too real and players get a buzz from offing everybody from cops to civilians.

I'm a PacMan and MsPacMan kind of person.

Love to play BubblePopp at "That Other Place."

The closest I get to looking at gore being done on real people over and over is watching those videos of zits being extracted. Can't get enough of that! LOL

Surprisingly, there is a large number of zitheads out there who would probably go ape over some kind of video game where they can navigate a maze or do some other challenge such as passing a multiple-choice trivia test and get rewarded for their success by earning zit-points that can be either used immediately after earning them or else can be stored up to two weeks to be enjoyed all at once.

If you had, for instance, saved up 100 zit points, you could point your mouse at clogged pores and see what squirms or leaps out of each one. No two zit-extracting experiences would be exactly alike.

As of this time, I'm not in the market to buy all of the equipment, etc. for this, but I seriously-DO think that a game like this would be a best-seller and just might go a long way in making the world a more peaceful place.

P.S. Trust me, @ultrawing, this kind of game would sell!!!