What Happened to Minecraft?

in gaming •  7 years ago 

So, Minecraft itself Became a Meme. but how did it became this way?

So Today is about Minecraft

Minecraft was Created by Markus Persson(also known as Notch) and a Company known as Mojang. and When it was First Released it went mostly Under the Radar, and was Thought to be nothing more then a Simple Indie Survival Game.

During the Early Years of Minecraft the community was pretty friendly and Rather tame. However Things Changed once the Youtubers Hit the Scene. Now Minecraft's Fanbase is not so toxic....but....It's Mostly Kids, Because of the Youtubers.

Once the Kids hit the Scene the Community then....well.... went to Crap.

Now I can see why Minecraft Appeals to Kids, and the Fact that most of the Minecraft Youtubers Appeal to Kids and I get that, However, Kids Lack proper decision making skills and Self-Awareness and this being the one big factor for Minecraft becoming a Joke.

Like I said in the Undertale Blog Months ago, I'm not going to say that Kids Ruin everything or that I hate kids. However I do hate that these Kids lack Good behavior. Meaning that most kids Are loud and Obnoxious. Now not every Kid who Plays Minecraft is like this, but the Game would be Hated less if this kids were not even in Minecraft to begin with, Because...well let's Face it, these Kids basically Ruined the game for everyone else to the point where it's Embarrassing to play it.

I Personally Don't like to play Minecraft anymore, I don't know if it's Either I grew out of the game, or that I Feel Embarrassed to play it over the years, But Either way I have no Desire to Return to Minecraft.

So, I think you get why Minecraft is basically a Giant Meme and Joke.

I am Ultrawing. and Yea, I don't Judge you for Liking Minecraft, I don't Anymore.

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