Mustafa: Childhood memorabilia video games

in gaming •  7 years ago 

The name of the game 'Cadillacus and Dinosaurs', popularly known as 'Mustafa', is popular in the nineties of Bangladesh. Many of the gaming world has started through this video game. Like other arcade games, this game also had to play with coins in the game store. For those who were trapped in this game in the 90's, this article has been presented in different unknown aspects of the game.

In 1993, the Japanese game developer company CAPCOM brought this game to the market, based on a comic book series called 'Genojiic Tales'. The same year the birth of this game was originally intended to link with the animated series Cadillacus and Dinosaurs, aired in the same year. The character of the game continues to move from the left side of the screen to play to play, so it is called Side Scrolling Game. On the other hand, in order to beat the enemies with empty hands, the game goes ahead and has to face the boss, so the game has been rescued bit 'm up, although at different stages of the game different weapons of the game, like torch, mugur, knife, stone, vajukka, wuji , Shot shot, pistol, grenade, dynamite etc There is also a chance to drive in some parts of the game.

Game cover; source: capcom

The story of the game started from 500 years after the twentieth century. The basic theme of the story surrounding the legendary city 'The City in the Sea' and surrounding jungle. A gang named 'Black Marketer' has been hunting for arbitrary dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are being used for any genetic engineering project. Dinosaurs have become violent because of the black marketers attack. They are attacking people of different villages near the forest. The name of the game's heroes to control the situation. The gamers have to play the role of heroes. There are four characters in the game as heroes. Of them, three men, one woman Each hero has its own strength, capabilities and weaknesses.

Heroes Identity

  1. Jack Tenor

Although mechanical mechanics, the blood is hot jack. Her love works towards nature. His favorite car Cadillac Jake's slit rattan is quite strong. In the fight of fights and skill, Jack can be called a balance hero.

  1. Hanna Dandi

The only female character in the game. Though a cold-headed scientist, Hanna can fight like men. He has special skills in the use of different weapons and trimmaking.

Four heroes of the game, from the left side - Jack, Hannah, Mustafa, Mess; source: capcom

  1. Mustafa Cairo

Profession engineer But he has a lot of humor. Faced with the sharpness of the cheetah, Mustafa is a niggardly state of enemies. During the strike, he has seen some gorgeous and effective gestures. The Mustafa character in Bangladesh is so popular that apart from the real name of the game, 'Mostafa' everyone has named the game!

  1. Mes o'brodovic

Giant, muscular monster is a homogeneous resemblance. Mesh is the most powerful of all other heroes. From humans to huge dinosaurs, he can throw everyone up.

The most popular titles of the game; source: capcom

Cadillacas and dinosaurs with multiplayer options can play at least three gamers together. The gamers have to choose any three characters from the above four characters. The game will be played either alone or the two matches. The game has been arranged with eight stages of the game. The gamer will have to go ahead by crossing the stages after defeating different types of enemies and bosses.

The gamer is about to start playing in a place where a group of bosses sent from Vice Terhuin surrounds him. The gamerate has to go ahead and beat them. After finishing all the hooligan, the gamer appeared in front of the boss Vaiss. After the gamer was bleached, the huge boss Vaices said, a Butcher named Boucher in the northwestern jungle was hunting for dinosaurs.

Hero started with this double action game; source: capcom

According to the information, after watching the jungle in the jungle, Beaucher sees a dinosaur with his two matches in a ruthless manner. In fact, the gamerake to go into a fierce battle with Butcher After a lot of hard work, the boycott is called.

Then in the third stage the gamer appeared in Desert of Death, a desert. In a very risky desert, there is so much hysteria in this car that the safety of the car is considered to have to proceed in a car. The gamer got the opportunity to control the car. Another Raghav-Boal Hog of the Dinosaur Hunting Squad, Mechanic Jack plans to take over the garage. Seeing the gamer going forward, Hogg started his car with a cruiser and started grenade attack in the car. Hogs have to be overcome with the help of different methods and techniques.

Jack the Garage fired at the gangster; source: capcom

In this opportunity, the gangsters captured Jack's garage. The gamerate had to recover the garage to the gamerate. Then there is a boss with a sharp boom in the name of Slice. After annihilating the slice, sent an old help from the neighboring village, sending dinosaurs to their villages and behaving abnormally.

Dinosaurs are behaving abnormally. Junk is ganging out with torch; source: capcom

The gamer appeared in the village and attacked the villagers. Gander as well as dinosaurs have to arrange gamerake. After entering the village more then it can be seen, who or who are the village house-houses

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Yes man I also love this game so MUCH. IN MY childhood I play a lot video game . And it's my favourite.