// GAMING // Warthas Is Again Doing Some World Record - Easier But Could You Beat Him?

in gaming •  6 years ago  (edited)

First super easy deathrun World Record

A deathrun not super complicated but easier for change! The deathrun super easy 1.0 of Judth that he has done without dying!

Second easy deathrun World Record

He has made the world record on Judth's second easy deathrun. It is a little more difficult than the first but it's still quite simple! The timer is surely improvable!!

His twitter: https://twitter.com/WarthasGaming


Warthas and I've decided to work together to produce some Fortnite gaming.

We are speaking French and English so don't be shy and come tell us in the comments what you think of our videos and which challenges would you want us to do.

We're totally open to the feedback. What we want first is you to be satisfied! So, we promise to make our videos better and better.

If you find these recordings entertaining and funny, consider voting these blogs to incentive us to keep spending our time to produce them. @vijbzabyss Warthas


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