RE: An Interview with @TheCastle, Creator of the Steam Game "Revulsion" - Aka, Absolute MADNESS

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An Interview with @TheCastle, Creator of the Steam Game "Revulsion" - Aka, Absolute MADNESS

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Love to keep up with what @thecastle is doing with the game. It looks like a mix of Dark Souls, Doom and Minecraft to me... Which is not bad at all because I love those three games in general terms. But what Castle's done here I'd even risk to say is unique and original because I haven't seen anything like this over here.

The sound design is amazing too.

I love what Castle is doing and would definitely pick a copy up without thinking twice.

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Dude, this game is right up your alley. It took me hella by surprise after playing it. Seriously worth giving a look at, for anyone. Can't wait to write my actual personal review of it.

Whenever I get a hold of the new pc that's on the way, i'll definitely pick it up!