Gaming: Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and 3steemCreated with Sketch.

in gaming •  8 years ago 

Super Mario was not the only hero with a great platformer on the SNES. The Donkey Kong Country games were a solid side scroller. All three of them on the Super Nintendo were good games and the quality managed to hold. Similar to Super Mario World you had a world map in each game with different worlds and a boss at the end. You also had an animal friend in some levels that you could read like Yoshi. But unlike Mario, you had a team of two that made it through the level. When one got hit he would run away and you could continue with the second.

Each game had a different pair of heroes. The first was Donkey Kong and Diddy, the second Diddy and Trixie and the third Trixie and Kiddy Kong. The different characters had small differences, like diddy could cartwheel and Trixie, who was the best character, could twirl her hair to hover, making it easier to make a jump.

I remember playing through all of these and replaying level after level to find all the secrets. There were bonus levels that got you coins when you get beat them. This is a game any gamer needs to check out. From the graphics, to the music, to the fun factor, it aged really well.

Geek fact: If you find all the secrets in Donkey Kong you get 101%, in Donkey Kong 2 102% and Donkey Kong 3 103%

Have you played any of them?


*my upvotes/rep disclaimer:

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I used to SMoke Snes with DK3 and Mario Kart and my favourite King Arthur's World

@whatageek Great post! The Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong games, as well as Legend of Zelda, were some of the best games that Nintendo introduced in the 90s.

I've played and beaten all of them and I think that my favourite might be the original! I played that one so much I could do speedruns back then.

3 great games, although I remember the second two being less well-received because of the characters. Particularly the third, people hated that baby kong.

Games played great though, I still play them occasionally.

I liked Trixie the best, but yeah, I agree I did not like baby kong