Gaming: The Game Changers: Super Mario 64: The Leap From 2D To 3DsteemCreated with Sketch.

in gaming •  8 years ago 

Welcome to game changers. These blogs will cover games that, in one way or another, changed the video game landscape. There have been games that come out that make such an impact that you see games after it that are strongly influenced by them. You are free to add your own in the comments and let me know if you agree or disagree with my picks. For the first one we have Super Mario 64, the first Mario adventure game in 3D.

This game was mesmerising when it came out. Sure if you look at the graphics now they are nothing great but when this came out people gathered around the screen and talked about how far gaming had come. Games for the previous consoles were mostly 2D. There were some 3D games but they were more prototypes of the things to come. But there was nothing like Super Mario 64. This game took the world and brought it to life. No longer did you move left or right but 360 degrees. You wanted to explore that tree over there go for it. You wanted to climb it. Sure. And it wasn't only the world that was rich but Mario himself who was very animated.

This was 3D platforming done right. When it came out it was the real leap from 2D to 3D. It showed that not only the games you played on you super Nintendo could be carried over but they could be expanded in ways the older systems could not accomplish. There are other 3D games in this genre that are great but I would argue this is the one that really paved the way. It's Mario. Nintendo was a company that knew quality and I can vividly remember how people reacted to seeing that plumber in 3D.

Do you have fond memories of this game?

**@funny is also my account.

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I got all 120 stars :-) , this game did indeed chance the game world .
Duke Nukem and GTA 3d where fun but did not have the impact the friendly plumber had . Even the first good 3d fps game is a Nintendo title .
Goldeneye 007 to me paved the way to shooter games .
Such a shame Nintendo left the road they where on back then .
I enjoyed your post bringing back some good memories to me .

I got 120 stars too :). Did you visit Yoshi, who just stands there and looks at you :p. GTA 3 is a good one for open world games. And goldeneye was awesome as was Perfect Dark but it feels like those games are too unique to be game changers, they really were their own experiences that didn't get a lot of replication in the years to come. I think it is because they were made by Rare who made some great games that were different like Battletoads.

Yeah Yoshi , and 99 free lives on the roof of the castle :-) . I think Rare was the first that made 3d worlds that didn't use sprites like Duke nukem did . Compared to Wolvenstein 3d it was amazing , it set a standard .
Iguana Entertainment made Turok at the same time so yes Nintendo had some good developers back then . It's a shame how the wii , witch was a great concept , stayed behind at graphics .
Not that it bothered me , i went from N64 straight to PC , Half life and CS 1.5 where my favourite games for a long time .

Mario! lol I love mariokart

Super Mario is indeed super! Fun memories!

Anyone seen the nintendo video of Mario with a grey hair?