Bizarre ending to Darksiders: Genesis

in gaming •  5 years ago 

Spoiler alert! I will be referencing the end of this game so if you are someone who wants to walk into a game knowing nothing it might be a good time for you to not read this.

I'm a big fan of the Darksiders franchise and at first I actually said negative things about this game because it was so different than the others. However, after 16 stages of it, and getting fully powered up, I really enjoyed it and wanted to play it more, but i couldn't because it abruptly ends after one particular boss battle.

Honestly, you are confused once you see the credits rolling because it doesn't feel like an appropriate end to the game.


You face Moloch in the final stage and to be fair to the game, at least on the "normal" setting, he is really the only boss that gives you any real reason to use all of your potions and have a seriously stand-off strategy since a single strike from him will remove half of your health even fully powered up.

This was the only battle where I honestly thought that I was going to lose and used all of my reserve powerups in order to truly get it down to the wire before defeating him. You can see someone who is a lot better at the game than I am take him on here.

This guy takes zero damage in his battle and has a fantastic strategy of slowing him down and shooting him from afar, which was kind of like my strategy except I took a lot of damage.

It is a tough fight, especially if, like me, you had never faced him before and didn't have any idea about what to expect and how to counter it. This is not the point of this post though.


After defeating Moloch you get returned to your "home base" to have a bit of a chat with your pals and it appears as though you are going on to a final battle with Lucifer after a bit of dialogue. Then you jump into the portal that is created for you expecting a final battle only to have the credits roll.

Then if you are like me, you skip those credits (sorry devs) and see if there is anything after. There IS something after, but only more cinematics where you meet the body Lucifer has possessed and have a brief chat.


Then the game simply starts over while unlocking super crazy difficulty mode, which I almost certainly will never use. I don't know if they are setting up a future game because I know they like to have an ongoing story with their games but I really don't like that this particular one doesn't seem to have an ending at all.

You are just given the opportunity to carry on with the same levels that you already completed but at a higher difficulty level. I suppose that is fun for some people but I would have preferred some sort of advancement of the story or at least the option to get some DLC to carry on - neither of which is available.

So I suppose for us Darksiders fans, we just have to wait until they make the next one because even though this game had a completely different style to the others that came before it, it still carried on the same story (kinda) and set up an "Angels and Demons" sort of story for the next installment, which I will almost certainly buy on the first day it is available.

Perhaps that was their entire idea and perhaps it actually works from a marketing perspective. I just think is kind of sucks to not have a clear ending to the story and hope they actually do carry through with the next installment. All we can do is wait!


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it is kind of neat when games are left open ended for the next installment, but also a bit irritating when you don't really have much of a conclusion to the one you are working on. Where was the Eden retribution in this game? Did we even get to go there very much? I would have liked for that to have been focused on a bit more

last battle was tough enough, but not so tough that I felt it was worth of being considered the final battle. To be fair to Genesis though this game was really long compared to how long i expected it to be.

never played this one but i did play a Darksiders I think on PS3 that was pretty great. This game looks simple enough that i might be able to handle it :)

on the carrying on to the next episode business... obviously this happens a lot in series and it is pretty annoying just having to wait one year for a continuation of the plot so since video games take much longer for the next installment, yes. I can see this being a bit annoying.

I am pretty unlikely to play this game because I don't really pay for games that often. It is odd to have a game end on a non-ending like a movie would. I am drawing a blank at any other game that did something like this though.