If you are a Destiny 2 player, and a lot of people have become as such in the past month thanks to the PS-Plus addition of the With Queen expansion being offered to members for free, you might have noticed that in the past few days that there have been a lot of disconnects or even worse as I experienced last night, the complete inability to connect to the servers at all.
At first I figured it was my Wifi because it can be a bit spotty in my apartment but was able to eliminate that as an option simply by doing a test. My internet connection was fine.
Companies like Bungie are normally reluctant to admit that they are vulnerable to these kinds of things but after a couple of days of people starting to get really frustrated they admitted that this was the case and apologized.
I did notice the other day that when I logged in the system gave me a warning that certain types of crafted items are "temporarily" unavailable. I have never crafted an item so this didn't really apply to me. I found out by doing a bit of looking that some users had figured out an exploit that gave them some sort of distinct advantage in PvP by using these crafted items and it created an unfair gaming experience.
There are some rumblings in the internet-sphere that the people who are perpetrating the DDOS attack on Bungie's servers are people who were using the exploit and were upset that it was eliminated from their arsenal.
Now, while i don't actually play very many always online games and don't really tend to enjoy them, I don't like it when begrudged players take it upon themselves to attack the game manufacturer as some sort of revenge on them for "nerfing" their gear - especially when the people involved realize that this gear gives them an unfair advantage. I am reminded of way back when Diablo (the original one) was one of the only games you could play online and some people had figured out how to make a "god mode" in the PvP / open world dungeons. When Blizzard patched this out, these god mode users did the same thing and attacked Blizzard for their fixing of the problem.
Now I take real issue with people being so childish because of a couple of reasons. For one thing do they really believe that a company as large as Bungie will allow the users who are kind of holding the game hostage is going to give in and give back the exploits that are actually ruining gameplay? I mean honestly, what sort of person thinks that this would be the end result? Also, if people keep doing dumb shit like this we are going to find ourselves in some sort of stupid situation like having to do a "captcha" every time we want to log in. Is that what you "hackers" want? Because if you keep this stupid crap up that is the sort of response the industry will have to resort to.
Just cut it out and play the game normally. If you are not good enough at PvP to win without cheating, then maybe you should try some other game mode. Lord knows Destiny 2 has plenty of other options you crybabies. Stop ruining it for the rest of us!