I'm only writing about this today because it boggles the mind that this game was ever released to the modern world. It was made available for download in 2012 while the original game was made in 1984.
It was released as part of the not-so-successful "3D classics" initiative and while there was some enthusiasm among older gamers, the inclusion of Urban Champion didn't make a lot of sense since not many people considered it to be a classic game at all. It wasn't one of the most popular games on NES as the action was exactly the same as dozens of other games.
For those of you that don't know, Urban Champion was the first fighting game on the NES, and one of the first of all time. The thing is, the game was clunky and weird when it was released in 1984, hence the poor sales and poor reaction to its existence. The 3DS didn't improve upon the controls at all and the although it isn't possible to display it over the interwebs, the 3DS was meant to improve the graphics by way of the 3D aspect of the machine itself. This was a completely wasted mechanic for this title as basically the action was simply tilted to the side instead of staring straight at it... if that makes any sense.
The game was terrible the second time around and Nintendo quickly switched to make the game free for download, and later to cutting off access to it altogether, not that anyone was still wanting to get it anyway.
I feel the same way about many "classic" games that I do about classic movies and TV shows: They are better left in your memories because when you return to them today after many years of superior graphics and controls, they just seem stupid and it kind of ruins your memories. Urban Champion remake should have never been made in my opinion.