Gaming Overload From E3!!

in gaming •  8 years ago  (edited)


E3 is the famed event that culminates all things gaming. If you are a gamer in any sense of the word and you have never heard of E3, it is safe to say that you are not a real gamer. This event is the global stage for development companies to showcase their new products, software and hardware, that will be released in the upcoming gaming season. It’s no secret that gamers look forward to this event to gain insight on games they look forward to being released and possibly new ones that might have been unknown. This year is no different. From the unveiling of the new Xbox One X, codenamed Scorpio, to the onslaught of new games that will grace all consoles. Being an Xbox user I will list the games I’m most excited to get my hands on.

Destiny 2

I previously wrote a post about Destiny 2 and the excitement I felt coming from the first installment. This game has come a long way since its release 3 years ago. After fighting through the pains of loot farming and being left out of Raids because I’m a solo player at heart. The multiple DLC’s that many players felt should have been included with the original release and feeling like those DLC’s were just reskinned iterations of past campaign stories. With Destiny 2 release date being set to release September 6, going back out into the galaxy as a guardian couldn’t come fast enough. Integrating Clans into the game from the start will be the most valued part of the game that I can foresee, presently. The story starting with all guardians being stripped of their light by the new enemy was a nice touch to clean the slate and set the mood for the new implementations to be added to the game. With all online PvP gameplay being set at 4v4 is a bit of a downer but I feel that won’t last if the community doesn’t like it and voices it enough. Can’t wait to join a Clan or start one myself.


Open world has become the new norm, giving players more choice about accomplishing their objectives. This game is no different. Being a Freelancer, using exosuits called Javelins, that completes missions outside of The Wall. A vast world that holds environmental dangers and massive creatures, as well as, other Freelancers. From what I could tell from the trailer from EA’s conference this game seems to be one to compete with Destiny. Much is the same with slight differences and the beauty that Bioware is known for. This game won’t be released until sometime in 2018, curious to see how they fair with a post Destiny 2 release. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Need For Speed: Payback

I also wrote a post about this game when I first came across the reveal trailer. I will always have high expectations when it comes to EA and I’m am rarely disappointed. This game will be no different, especially since it’s part of the Need For Speed brand. With a storyline shaping up to be a playable Fast and Furious adventure, I’m still excited to play through cause racecar! One aspect that I like is that you will follow the storyline of 3 playable characters that can change during one mission. The game will also be the first time that the NFS franchise has taken a step in to the open world space. They kind of did with the underground series but this will be more so. Cops are back as well which will make for some interesting car chases as you not only fight off cronies of the cartel, The House, you are fighting to take back control of Fortune Valley and the “Po-Po”, who always spoil high octane fun. The game is set to be released sometime in November.

Unknown Player’s Battlegrounds

With this game gaining viral notability on Steam will be coming exclusively to Xbox, sorry not sorry Playstation. (Just kidding all you Sony fanboys) I’m not alone when I say this game has peaked my interest in the last couple of months. First making its appearance on Steam for PC, it quickly gained a following. I was curious why and I quickly found out. If you are not in the know, this game is a 100-player free-for-all set on an island. The main objective: Land, Loot, Survive. You initially start on a smaller island with all other players as you wait to be drop-shipped onto the bigger island. You land with no weapons or armor and would be in your best interest to find some as soon as possible. Small building scattered around the island house all these items. So, not only do you have to look for armor and weaponry but you also must be mindful of 99 other players doing the same. This creates and interesting gameplay because you will not live very long if you just go all gung ho like you would in any other shooter game. With all of this going on you are presented with another element you force firefights. That is an ever-shrinking perimeter that kills you if you find yourself outside of it for too long. This game will release as an Xbox One X exclusive in November. Camper No Camping!

Forza Motorsports 7

Cause Racecar!! With added courses, dynamic weather and vehicles. 4k becoming a more common part of the gaming industry, this game is sure to trick some viewers into thinking they are watching Le Mans IRL. Drifting is sure to be a treat! Set to be released sometime this fall.

This gaming season is shaping up to be most excellent. I’d like to know some of the games you are most excited to dive into. As always THANK YOU for your attention.

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nice post sir ^_^ @whotiewho

Thank you! Gaming is life lol