But in my case, I want to use this in order to put us into the general context:
We can see Crash Bandicoot jumping again in our screen, we can see Kratos fight one more time while he try to be a father in the new God of War, we can see how Zelda Breath of the Wild show us the original spirit of The Legend of Zelda (Zelda I) from NES.
And we have many examples of that:

Can you see it? this feels strange and distant from our actual standards, isn't?
That was the principal reason why "Crowbard Colective" choose make a MOD for “Half-Life 2” named "BLACK-MESA" that in the future was approved by Valve and which we are waiting for his official release.

We can see it on the very old menu system (that was fixed in future generations) or things like critic’s percentage that is based on the speed stat that can easily broke the game.
Well then, we have in mind good examples about when is necessary a Remake, the time have no mercy with graphics or the mechanics (and in other cases the game was in a format that the people don’t like in modern times, like Final fantasy 7) and it could be sad to see how many games fall into the oblivion or see how the original magic of this games could be affected...

All this is thanks to the heart, effort and practice, of the authors. And we must never forget that:
We can't forget have an identity, we can´t forget be memorable.
Many thanks to read my first work in this language and excuse me for any mistake.
However, Be free to say me "Hey, we don't use X in this context", Any feedback is welcome. See ya, have a good day!
Paisley Abbey
Persona 5