"Guns of Boom" online shooter for android is awesome!

in gaming •  8 years ago 

I have Always loved first person shooter games for the pc. There have been online shooters for smartphones before and I never really enjoyed playing them, mainly because I could never get the aim right or the movement speed was either too fast or too slow. Thats where Guns of Boom (I know the title is horrible) came in and changed the way first person shooters are played on the smartphones.


The best part of this game is that you dont have to shoot yourself! All you have to do is aim and the game shoots by itself, this function can be turned off in the settings but it changes the experience completely. There is also a little bit of auto aim which is nice when you are using your thumb to steer the crosshair. This might sound like it makes the game easy to play but there is really nice balance to it.


There are lots of weapons to choose from and they all have different functions. What I also think is a cool feature is that you can upgrade your weapon of choice as you climb up the ranks.

Another cool thing is the knife that automatically comes up when you get to close to your opponent.


Some other things that make the game a lot more fun is that you can start your own clan and invite your friends to join in. You can also invite your clan members to join you in a game of 4v4.
Also, the graphics are really cool and fun.

The one thing that can be annoying is that the game does offer in-game buying options and there are players out there that are seriously hard to kill because of this, they are armed to the teeth with 100% upgraded weapons and armor. But you dont need money to get the same weapons and armor, it just takes a little bit longer.

The game is loads of fun and probably the only fps for smartphones that actually got it right, go find it in the playstore for free, if you have some free time on your hands. Thank me later!


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The visuals looks oddly incredible for a mobile game, like TF2. Might check it out!

Guns Of Boom is the most incredible FPS I've played on mobile. Excellent article. Love your in game screenshots to.

Looks quite fun. I'll give it a try! I played 3D pixel gun for a while now I find that Trigger fist is the closest to a classic console/pc shooter. It is third person shooter but modes and style are lots of fun. Any Steemit clan created?

I have not tried 3D pixel gun yet, I have heard good things about it. I will give that a try too! I have not created a steemit clan but that is a good idea!

Hi there is this only for android ?

I Play this Game to, and it‘s very cool and make a lot of fun .. :)