How to buy AVOCADO Guild (AVG) coin in Australia
To buy Avocado Guild, you will first need to buy USDT from a trusted local exchange. For this example we will use CoinSpot, then send USDT to the international exchange Bitmart that allows you to trade them for Avocado Guild coins.
Sign up to CoinSpot
- Complete the signup process
- Deposit AUD from your bank account to Coinspot
- Select the Buy page and find buy USDT as shown below
- Input the amount you want to buy
Buy Avocado DAO on Bitmart
Once you have bought USDT on CoinSpot, you must then send it to your Bitmart deposit address. To access your Bitmart deposit address, you must first create an account, then visit your wallet.
Now that you have deposited the USDT to Bitmart, you can search Avocado Guild and complete your order.
What is Avocado DAO?
Avocado guild is dedicated to providing its members with the resources and mentorship they need to thrive in each new p2e space avocado guild has changed the lives of its 9 000 plus players and is one of the largest guilds in the p2e space.
Avocado Guild provides the nfts scholars their time and the revenue is shared the guilds yielded over 20 million slp just in the month of november. Guilds are actively searching for more games for scholars to master, unlocking even more earning potential to join the avocado guild in bringing more to many and exploring each new metaverse to come.