Common pitfalls that students make in the GAMSAT

in gamsat •  3 years ago 

Pitfall #1 – Not realising what you're in for

It might appear to be tedious to peruse the ACER booklet, yet considering that the GAMSAT is an entire day test, you need to know what you're in for.

Know how long each section will take, the point at which you will get to eat, and how long you need to be at the venue.
Obviously, learn what's expected of you for each section and what abilities every section is really evaluating, so you can focus on your studies properly.

Pitfall #2 – Trying to master everything

Everyone has their qualities and shortcomings. For instance, assuming you realize that you are greater at Section III than Section I or Section II, do not get too hung up on your weak points. It’s very normal to have a couple of areas you don’t excel at.

Pitfall #3 – Cramming

The GAMSAT isn't one of those tests that you can cram.

The GAMSAT is generally an appraisal of your critical thinking abilities, which need to be polished with practice and can't be crammed in a short space of time.

Pitfall #4 – Excessively zeroing in on learning content

Many individuals preparing for GAMSAT become too focused on attempting to learn too much content, particularly for Section III. In any case, note that the GAMSAT isn’t meant to test your memory. It’s designed to test your critical thinking abilities.

Pitfall #5 – Not offering yourself a reprieve

There is a mid-day break between Sections II and III. Utilise the break as a break! Attempt to spend your mid-day break unwinding, with the goal that your mind will be completely revived and all set to go when Section III comes around.

Pitfall #6 – Getting hung up on responding to each question

There will be questions that you have no clue about how to approach. It tends to be extremely enticing to stay there and invest some energy attempting to figure things out, however recall that the clock is ticking! Time squandered on something that you may not answer effectively could be better spent deciphering and addressing other questions, so assuming you're in this position, consider simply jumping to an alternate question and make a note to yourself to return to the troublesome one later.

Pitfall #7 – Trying to impress the examiners with your writing

While developing an article that will be evaluated, a few people try to use extravagant language in a vain endeavour to dazzle their marker.

Be that as it may, Section II isn't a trial of your jargon. It's better to figure out how to convey your thoughts adequately (and effectively) inside this brief period before test day with the goal that you have a reasonable thought of what and how much you can write.

Pitfall #8 – Beating yourself up a short time later

You can't change what you did. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

For more information, check out our full article here:


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