Choosing a Medical School: Does Prestige Matter?

in gamsat •  2 years ago 

You might be wondering if university rankings mean anything when you’re trying to choose which medical school to go to. First of all, what do these rankings mean?

You’ve probably heard of the 'World University Rankings' where each college is given a number and could be positioned by subject or faculty. Yet, how are these rankings even determined?

A large portion of the college rankings we find out about are really founded on the research output, that is: the status of their journals, citations, and PHDs.

Consequently, the more established a college is (for instance USyd versus UNSW), the simpler it is for that college to keep a high positioning regardless of whether their entry scores keep declining, for example. Colleges like USyd have solid associations with teachers and scholastics who went there some time ago when newer universities, for example, UNSW didn't yet exist.

Besides, the variables that really do make a difference to med students, for example, their graduate’s performance in the workforce, don't for the most part add to these rankings.

This carries us to the worry that future bosses will prefer to employ from these more 'esteemed' colleges. Notwithstanding, dissimilar to in different fields, the deficiency of qualified people implies that professions in medication are essentially ensured.

Besides, clinical practice includes the use of proof based information to a clinical situation, and is generally the same regardless of where you study in Australia.

In any case, a few variables to think about while attempting to choose which medical school to go to include:

  1. The retention rate for the course - Good clinical schools shouldn't have a rate greater than around 10%
  2. The entry score - Is it going up? On the off chance that indeed, this demonstrates the college is most likely turning out to be more famous
  3. The quantity of understudies who proceed to practice medicine - this can be challenging to find out, however can be found on a few college and other autonomous sites.

For more information, check out our full article here:


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