The Definitive Guide to GAMSAT Results 2020

in gamsat •  5 years ago  (edited)

As of 2020, there are presently thirteen Medical Schools that offer a Graduate Entry Medical Program. Twelve of them need the GAMSAT® score.

Whether you’ve sat the GAMSAT®, received your score, and now wondering whether that score is good enough, or you haven’t sat the GAMSAT® and you’d like to know what score to aim for, our definitive guide to GAMSAT results 2020 can help answer your questions.

The GAMSAT® exam will take place in March and Sept in 2020. GAMSAT® results are usually released within two months afterwards.

ACER will contact each participant individually once the results are out. You'll receive an email through the address that you registered with when you applied to take the GAMSAT® exam.

The results will appear as an array of numbers: A score for every individual section and an overall score that's calculated from each of those. The scores themselves are expressed on a scale of zero to one hundred and it’s necessary to recollect that these aren't percentage marks.

The percentage mark is a different number you'll be given that primarily takes your scaled scores and ranks them compared to everybody else who participated in that session of the GAMSAT®.

It is additionally necessary to keep in mind that these aren't your raw scores however are in reality scaled. This is a results of ACER’s calculations based on the distribution of all the raw scores. It could be that the majority of the participants did well, and so to make sure that the scores are nicely distributed, they're going to be scaled up and down. These scores are what Universities use to rank your application and can ultimately decide if you will be accepted into their Graduate Entry Course.

The marks are adjusted so an equivalent performance in any GAMSAT® exam can score among an acceptable tolerance margin.

For example, a specific student might score 70% correct answers on the March Exam. Then with an identical quality of performance they can score 90% correct later in the year in September. These would be manipulated so they each attained a GAMSAT® score of maybe 10% or less to make sure that the exam continues to be accepted as valid and equivalent from year to year.

This successively permits universities to accurately compare GAMSAT® results from across completely different sittings, and completely different candidates, despite of when they sat the GAMSAT® exam. For this reason, it's the section and overall scores that Universities will take into account, not the percentile ranking.

You might usually hear that a high GAMSAT® score is over sixty five, however this depends on what university course you would like to be accepted into, and also, the cutoffs themselves fluctuate from year to year. As such, it’s not extremely correct to mention that there's a universal GAMSAT® Score which will be deemed to be ‘good enough’ to be accepted to any school of medicine of your selecting.

What determines a ‘good’ GAMSAT® score is relative to the university course that you wish to be accepted into, your GPA and your specific cohort. However, as an example, for the March 2019 GAMSAT® communication, the typical score was fifty nine.

For more information, read our in-depth guide to GAMSAT Results here:


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