Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 6

in gang-stalking •  8 years ago 

Here we are going to talk about the "Organized Harassment" part of Gang-stalking, otherwise known as being a Targeted Individual or placed on a watch list.  I will also try to touch on what you can do to protect yourself from these forms of attacks.  Basically, you just want to remain law abiding in all aspects and stay away from people that want to subvert you away from your own goals.  Stick to your own goals and don't let people get in your way, and do your best to stay safe at any given moment.  These people like to come and go, and not make it obvious what they are doing.

Organized Harassment:

People can be targeted through aerial stalking such as planes or helicopters.  And, the trick here is when you try telling people that you have planes or helicopters that are following you or constantly nearby you, what you will hear is that you sound crazy, so I wouldn't recommend this even if it is happening to you, because you will sound crazy, and people will think why would this be happening to you, and not to them or other people.  Or they will think that you are seeing planes in the sky naturally and that they aren't there for you, when they could be.  They use energy weapons from technologies that are on these planes or in helicopters that make it easy for them to target you, or to send you mixed signals.  But, my advice is just to be aware of what people have to go through these days and not allow the thought of them being around to pertain to anything you're doing, or think that they are there targeting you - even if they are.

This is also a form a psychological harassment.  But, the purpose of air stalking is to follow you.  For an example; there can be a helicopter near by you, and when you want to go grab your camera to take a picture of it, or to point out how often you are seeing helicopters around you, just for sheer fact that you are seeing things like this happening, they will either slowly move away in a direction where they can't be seen or will move away really fast.  But, sometimes you can spot them just sitting in one particular area, and that is to use energy weapons on people.

Also, they can mount directed energy weapons onto their planes, or drones or helicopters.  This is not a joke!  This is real!  Police can have LRAD's or "Long Range Acoustic Device/'s" mounted also onto their vehicles, so that if you hear something, it can sound like it's coming from out of the middle of nowhere, or to target a person into thinking that they are nuts.  But, when you look up and see a drone or something in the sky, they will move away very quickly, or slowly depending on the severity of why they are harassing you.  They can also mount directed energy weapons on planes; helicopters and drones.  

Also, they have radars that can see you in your own home and can literally spot you in your house.  This is against all your privacy rights as well, and most targets are not informed of these weapons being used because, like I've stated before, they are using them to make you look as though you've eroded on your own behalf, even though you feel as though something coordinated is being done to you.  And, sometimes you just know that these things are coordinated against you, and are meant to attack you.

Also, they can stain you or put something with you so that you can be tracked through some form of imaging, or infrared imaging, to continue knowing where you are at all times, to control you.  And, who wants to control you?  They do!  They want to control you because they want to keep you isolated from anybody ever finding out who they are or how they are getting away with it.  Most of this sounds nuts to the average person as though it cannot happen to you, but things like this are happening all the time.  It's just that not everyone is aware about it, so they aren't looking for the signs that these things are happening to them.  Instead, something happens, and they just think that things are bad in the world and that these are just things that are happening to them, or that they have bad luck.  This has nothing to do with luck, nor does it have anything to do with your abilities at work or your helps you with your potential in life.  These are tactics that are meant to destroy your ability to see things in a different light where these things happening to you are causing you to lose jobs, lose relationships and lose family support.  These are things that are meant to make a person end up homeless, or worse - even, dead.  The end goal is to get you to die so that they don't have to worry about what they are doing to you, and so they just play these games with too many people and people are starting to speak out and catch on to what they are doing.  Keep speaking out!  Keep writing, and keep being a witness to what is going on in the world today.  It's a very unnatural place to raise kids or have a family and people are subverting peoples realities through these tactics I'm talking about in these blogs all the time.  Just be aware, and do the best you can to stay safe.

They can also do low flying aircraft right by you or right next to you, and they do these things to harass you.  If they are not spraying chemicals to keep bugs and mosquito's from being too many, they are doing these things to harass you and drive you crazy as a personal attack against you.

U.S Customs and border patrol agencies can be used to fly around you and cause trails that look like chemtrails, but are not chemtrails.  Chemtrails are the thick black clouds that disperse really slowly whereas the con-trails are the ones that disperse quickly into the air.

There are F.B.I. and C.I.A. agencies that are also involved in the air stalking side of gang-stalking, or organized harassment of an individual.  The A.T.F and the D.E.A as well as the U.S. Customs and Boarder Patrol Agencies are involved in the air stalking part of the organized harassment.  They have a plane called the Off-spray that can change from a plane into a helicopter and can float in mid-air and they use technologies that are so advanced that you might even think that they are aliens or U.F.O.'s even though this is just our United States Military gone berserk on power.  They can actually stall in mid-air, just like a car can break.  These copters can float in mid-air at a safe distance.

Other ways that the gang-stalkers can harass you is to agitate you, provoke you, or slander you, isolate you, or use street theater to create the idea of how things work, when they are actually subverting your reality and making you think that this is just normal when it's not.  It's clear harassment, and organized harassment presenting a false ideology of how things are when you're in custody of them for an example.  They can call you crazy even and if you're sick or not feeling well, they aren't going to care about you, or about your ailment.  They can poison you, or psychologically abuse you.  They use street theater or noise harassment, even as little as car horns going off outside your home to cause you to get angry or to basically know they are there.  They can try to influence you into doing something or taking a drug, and this is done to set you up and make things look as though it's not their fault but your own.  Same, with the poisoning you, they do this to set you up or get you sick so you go see a specific Doctor, and these  doctors that you will get can be a part of the psychological abuse of you.

They can also arrest you, or evict you, or otherwise get you to leave a certain area.  They can cause you to move, or cause you to lack money so that you have to move.  They just don't want to be nice to you at all, and are working on a relentless plan to plot and scheme over you.  

The other aspect of Organized Harassment is with the use of Directed Energy Weapons, which I'll talk about in the next blog.  These are just more ways and more technologies that can be used to harass you, or to help with Organized Harassment.

Please be advised and stay safe out there.  People are getting paid to do relentless things to people in the know, and won't stop until you're isolated, or hurting, or homeless, or dead.

Be Safe and God Bless!

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