in gaps •  5 years ago 


What does GAPS stand for?

GAPS stands for gradually...
Artificial intelligence on collective intelligence through
Predictive discussion community
Service platform based on blockchain technology.

GAPS platform trains artificial intelligence based on collective intelligence, this entails training with data generated via argument related with prediction. With these, GAPS platform enables service for predicting future events.
Various technology such as machine learning, data mining, modeling and artificial intelligence-based bigdata analysis are used to predict unknown events or events of the future.
GAPS solves the problems and misunderstanding of future results, waste, swearing, irresponsibility, anonymity, and useless data by using several tools such as;
• Beginning of all training, question and training channel
• Collective intelligence
• Argument
• Oracle
• Blockchain
• Artificial intelligence with machine learning

GAPS project is an interesting and exciting one if you ask me, imagine being ble to predict sports event, weather, policts and lots more, that’s like living in the future in the present. Information is being gathered from uers in the community and there is a compensation in terms of token for both the creator(question initiator) and those that answer,

How to join GAPS community
Go to playstore
Search for Nestree
Download the app
Search for GAPS
Join and chat.
You can go through the website

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