Connecticut Considers Controversial HPV Vaccine Mandate as Moms of Vaccine Injured Children Voice Dissent

in gardasil •  6 years ago  (edited)

Korrine and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Hartford, CT

(Many families are harrased for coming forward about vaccine injury. I have withheld last names to protect them from harrassment)

The State of Connecticut has two bills circulating in the general assembly. HB 7199 which would mandate the controversial Gardasil vaccine to children, and HB 858 which would make it law to administer the Gardasil vaccine without parental consent or knowledge. HB 858 would also allow teens to get Truvada PrEP without parental knowledge or consent. PrEP is a newly approved drug that claims to prevent HIV infection. The drug must be taken every day, and comes with serious side effects. Despite this, the Connecticut legislator is considering making access to PrEB and HPV available to children through law, and make vaccination with HPV mandatory for school, for boys and girls beginning at age 11. Last year similar bills were raised to mandate Gardasil and allow its use without parental consent, but they were killed before leaving the public health committee. The State of Connecticut has been purchasing the Gardasil vaccine for several years. According to fiscal years 2017 and 2018 the state has purchased eighteen million dollars worth of the Gardasil vaccine. Two hundred thousand dollars was also approved for an education campaign for Gardasil as well.


Parents from around CT came out to testify at hearings in opposition to the proposed legislation. Andrea, a Connecticut mom, came to testify because her daughter Korrine was injured by the Gardasil vaccine in 2013. Andrea described her family as being very pro vaccine. Her daughter Korrine was born premature, so Andrea was extra careful and guarded her baby’s health. She followed the doctor’s orders and gave Korrine all of the recommended vaccinations. Everything was fine and Korrine grew into a healthy young teenager who enjoyed horseback riding, biking, rock climbing, and singing. Then came the Gardasil vaccine. Korrine’s pediatrician began recommending the HPV shot when she was just 11 years old. Being that the vaccine was so new, Andrea wasn’t comfortable with giving it to her daughter that young. She knew that eventually she would get her daughter the vaccine. Andrea trusted her doctor, and would take the necessary precautions to protect her child from HPV. Korrine was given her first Gardasil vaccine with a flu shot on the same day at 15 years old in 2013.

The CDC recommends two doses of Gardasil for boys and girls at 11 years old, even though the vaccine is very controversial. According to Health and Human Services own vaccine injury report system, VAERS, there has been thousands of reported injuries, and over four hundred deaths reported due to Gardasil. VAERS was put in place to monitor problems with vaccinations after the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act, which gave vaccine manufacturers indemnity from tort law. Meaning if your are injured by a vaccine, you cannot sue. All other pharmaceutical products can be sued for injuries. The VAERS system only captures between 1 and 10 % of all vaccine injuries. Doctors, nurses, caretakers, and parents, can file reports with VAERS. This is the only means that the government has to monitor injuries from vaccines. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, NVICP, has paid out four billion dollars to families with vaccine injured children. Merck, the makers of Gardasil who benefit from indemnity, do not have to pay for any injuries or deaths.

The CDC is wrought with its own controversies. In 2018 Brenda Fitzgerald, the physician appointed in July, 2017 to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention resigned due to conflicts of interest. She owned large shares of stocks in tobacco, the healthcare industry, and the pharmaceutical industry. Children’s Health Defense reported that Fitzgerald owned stock in Merck and Bayer, “Both Merck and Bayer have a pattern of wreaking havoc on human health while striving to bury the evidence.” Merck is currently being sued for fraud for both it’s mumps vaccine, and it’s Gardasil vaccine. Merck is also the manufacturer of Vioxx. Vioxx is responsible for over a hundred thousand deaths. Vioxx cost Merck billions of dollars in damages. Shortly after the Vioxx scandal. Merck got FDA approval for Gardasil. Gardasil is the most expensive vaccine on the market costing four hundred and fifty dollars a shot. Merck is a multi billion dollar company with profits in the billions of dollars.

Bayer is one of the largest corporations in the world and draws in forty billion dollars in profits annually. Bayer have been sued for many of their products. However, the most notable dark shadow on Bayer, is the company’s ties to Nazi Germany. According to Drug Watch, “A 1999 lawsuit filed by Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor revealed documents suggesting Bayer’s involvement in human experimentation. The lawsuit accused Bayer of paying Nazi officials for access to prisoners to test its drugs on.” in the 80s Bayer was sued for selling tainted blood, “Cutter Biological sold millions of dollars of HIV-tainted blood-clotting medicines to hemophiliacs. Cutter Biological is a division of Bayer. Internal documents alleged the company made its medicine Factor VIII from the blood of prisoners, intravenous drug users and high-risk gay men.”

The regulatory agencies in our country like the CDC and FDA have been corrupted by the industry its supposed to watchdog, an industry that is itself full of corruption. It does not take very much to see this reality, yet many people deny it. The doors revolve from industry to government and vice versa. Two examples illustrate this well. Dr. Julie Gerberding, who was the director, of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention from July 2002 thru January 2009. Meanwhile, in February of 2008, Gerberding had been named president of Merck’s vaccine division. The CDC also holds patents in vaccines and benefits financially from them. Attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. clarified this relationship, “ (the) CDC is a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry. The agency owns more than 50 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually” In a second example, Michael R. Taylor had a long career in government and also served as vice president for public policy for Monsanto. In 2009, Taylor was the FDA commissioner. Later he served in a newly created position as Deputy Commissioner for Foods util 2016. Can we have industry leaders be the regulatory entity in charge of the recommendations for public health policy?

Both doctors and legislators rely upon the CDC and FDA, yet there is a clear systemic problem with corruption within the agencies.

Korrine got her second Gardasil shot two months later. Within days she began having symptoms, “She was sick within five days. She had vertigo and nausea. It was something she never experienced before,” Andrea explained. They took Korrine to the doctor, who had no idea what was wrong. Nothing was different, except for the HPV vaccine. The doctor said it definitely wasn’t Gardasil, but he really didn’t know. He suggested they should go see a neurologist. Andrea wanted to wait a little longer, hoping this new problem would resolve. Unfortunately, it got worse for Korrine who would go on to see many doctors as she began to lose her vision. She suffered from periods of dizziness so bad that she had trouble doing the things she loved to do. The symptoms evolved and the family couldn’t understand what was happening. At first they thought she had stage fright, but it didn’t add up. Korrine is a gifted singer and loves to sing, but in choir she would feel dizzy and was not able to participate. She couldn’t stand, it was devastating. Andrea said, “she became a different person. She regressed, and was unsure of herself.” Without answers or a diagnosis, their world was turned upside down.

In 2007 The National Vaccine Information Network issued a warring, that Gardasil given with other vaccines, especially the meningitis vaccine could be causing injury, “The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) today issued a new report on HPV vaccine (Gardasil®) safety analyzing adverse event reports to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The analysis gives evidence for a reported association in VAERS between Gardasil and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), with a statistically significant increased risk of GBS and other serious adverse event reports when Gardasil is co-administered with other vaccines, especially meningococcal vaccine (Menactra®). Till this day there is no warning on the CDC website about this. Even more shocking is the vaccine manufacturer, who benefits from full indemnity recommends giving multiple vaccinations while also giving Gardasil to boost the likelihood parents would vaccinate their children for HPV. University of Virginia did a study to see how to get more people to vaccinate for HPV. “A new study by University of Virginia School of Nursing professors Jessica Keim-Malpass and Emma Mitchell asserts that administering the HPV vaccine alongside other, less controversial scheduled vaccines – like Tdap, tetanus, the MMR and the annual flu vaccine – may help improve completion rates of the controversial vaccine among adolescents ages 9 to 18. Interestingly, the same effect was not seen among young adults age 19 to 25. The HPV vaccine, which must be given in three doses, has been shadowed with controversy since its 2007 introduction, much focused on the discomfort of vaccinating children as young as age 9 for a virus that’s transmitted sexually.”

Doctors receive awards and gifts for getting their patients to vaccinate for HPV. From the CDC website, “The HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Champion Award is an annual award given jointly by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and The American Cancer Society. This award recognizes clinicians, clinics, practices, groups, and health systems that are going above and beyond to foster HPV vaccination in their communities.” According to Merck’s own financial documents thousands of dollars were paid to doctors for promoting their pharmaceutical products including Gardasil.

Korrine has several post-vaccination autoimmune diagnoses from her neurologist. She has encephalopathy, autonomic neuropathy and dysfunction, and peripheral neuropathy. She suffers from anxiety and has been declared legally blind. Doctors told Andrea, when they could not find answers to why Korrine went from a healthy teenager, to teenager who lost her sight, and suffers from seizures, that Korrine was crazy. To ditch her seeing eye cane and therapy dog, because it’s all in her head. The doctor not only dismissed them without answers, he was angry at them for Korrines ill health and blamed the family instead of helping them find answers. “It was like an autoimmune storm,” said Andrea in a somber voice.

What gain do these family have to make up an illness? So many of their stories with similar aspects. Their children once healthy become sick after a vaccine. Moms like Andrea sit for hours in a windowless hearing room, waiting for their three minutes to tell legislators their story. It’s a long and sometimes grueling process. Some of the legislators are dismissive to the mother’s testimonies, their minds all ready made up. After all, they have the CDC and FDA to consult. “I resent the fact that Gardasil injury is swept under the carpet, and the injured and their families are dismissed by many in mainstream medical community. I am angered that they always take the easy way out, and point us in a direction of needing psychiatric care using words such as "Conversion Disorder", "malingering" and "willfully faking illness for a gain,” Andrea said.

Despite all of the obstacles and vaccine injury denial, there is nothing more powerful than a mother’s love for her children. Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, F.R.C.P.(C), FCAP, is the director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, testified in opposition to HB 7199. Dr. Lee is a pathologist and researcher, who found himself immersed in the HPV vaccine controversy. He has been an expert witness regarding his knowledge of the HPV vaccine and HPV DNA in vaccine court. Lee said in his testimony, that women, mothers, reached out to him, because he designed a test that can detect the HPV virus. It is the most accurate test for HPV in the world he said. The mothers wanted him to test the Gardasil vaccine, at first he refused, but the women were persistent, and he finally agreed. Dr. Lee found DNA from the HPV virus in the vaccine. He published a paper on his findings and the FDA agreed with what Lee had found, that HPV virus DNA is in the vaccine. According to Dr. Lee, the HPV vaccine is both unnecessary and dangerous, “HPV DNA combined with the aluminum adjuvant get into the macrophages, so the body produces antibodies. In certain patients macrophages can get into the heart and the brain. We cannot predict which patients will get macrophages in the heart or brain. In the brain it causes encephalitis, in the heart it will cause heart attack. He continued, “Cervical cancer is a disease of unscreened, unchecked women. No one should have cervical cancer or die from cervical cancer in Connecticut,” Lee emphatically stated. Regular gynecological care is the best preventative for cervical cancer.

The Gardasil vaccine was fast tracked by the FDA and approved in June of 2006, after a six month priority review process. Most vaccines take at least 10 months to review. HPV was fast tracked because the manufacturers claimed their vaccine prevented cancer. Drugs for cancer treatment and prevention can be fast tracked. However, there is no clinical data to support this claim. The pharmaceutical industry is the largest lobbying group in our country and comprises a whooping 70% of all advertising dollars for our major media outlets and networks. As Connecticut considers mandating a medical procedure with clear risks to human health, Andrea and her family are left with few answers on how to heal their daughter. When it comes to vaccine injury, families are left on their own to recover their children. They are dismissed as anecdotal while legislators write laws that bypass informed consent and health freedom.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was invited to Connecticut last week for, The Science of Vaccines Forum, organized by State Representative Josh Elliott, a democrat from the 88th district. Late the night before the forum, Yale pulled out and Elliott ditched the event. Elliott is the co- sponsor for the HB 7199 to mandate the HPV shot. Kennedy went on to give a presentation on the Gardasil vaccine to a full house, and an overflow room. Kennedy stated that Merck lied about Gardasil at a press conference before the presentation, “There’s no proof that the vaccine does anything to solve the problem of cervical cancer, and there’s indication the vaccine actually gives you cancer. If I am mistaken anything, I know what I am talking about, and I am saying this not on belief, but because it’s true. I am saying it that way, so that Merck will sue me if what I am saying is wrong,” he said to a crowd that erupted in applause.

He went on to use studies from the Institute of Medicine, the CDC, the FDA, and Merck to prove that Gardasil, as he calls it, is a huge flim flam. “Your chance of getting autoimmune disease from this vaccine are a thousand times your chance of getting cervical cancer. It’s right there anybody can look it up. Nobody in the world would ever, who has any concern for a little girl, would ever, give her this vaccine based upon their own clinical trials!” According to Kennedy, Merck used aluminum during their clinical trials as a placebo. A small group of 320 girls were given saline placebo, those girls were mixed in the the aluminum group of 9,000 girls. Merck tested Gardasil against an aluminum adjuvant and buried the signal. Kennedy said that according to Merck’s own studies, girls given Gardasil had 2.3% chance of getting an autoimmune disease within six months, that’s a 1 in 40 chance.


Korrine and Andrea were at the Capitol for Kennedy’s presentation. It’s hard for Korrine, Andrea said, she suffers so much from her injury, but she wanted to be at the Capitol to hear Kennedy’s presentation and meet him. Kennedy said himself, that he didn’t pick this battle, it chose him. He is not anti vaccine, he was vaccinated and all his kids were vaccinated. He was brought into the vaccine controversy, with evidence that he could not deny. He said, once you know this, you cannot forget it. Kennedy has become the champion of the vaccine injured. On meeting Kennedy, Korrine said, “I felt empowered being able to meet RFK, Jr. He validated me and made me feel safe. I am so lucky I got to meet him.”

Children’s Health Defense

University of Virginia


Sane Vax

Merck Financial

Green Med Info

Drug Watch


CDC Rewards

Milford Diagnostics

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