Introduction to My Garden-Wonderful Herbs and Amazing Lessons <3 Introducing: glycyrrhiza glabra

in garden •  7 years ago  (edited)


I have decided to introduce my amazing herb garden, as it is my pride and joy.

I have a knack for knowing how to help the body heal itself, intuitively, with herbs amongst a couple of other modalities like homeopathy.

So, I got my hands on some AMAZING and some not-to-often-seen herbs here in Aussie Land.

And I thought I would share one today....and try and keep up with a herb a day! <3 <3

Here is the glycyrrhiza glabra
Or Liquorice Root in English...


Did you know that glycyrrhiza glabra is a great anti-depressant? As a Herbal medicine for your cabinet-This is one of the most overlooked wonders of the herbal world.

There have been 100's of healing compounds that have been found in Liquorice, including compounds like flavonoids and phytoestrogens.

One of them is called glycyrrhizin, which is a compound 50 times sweeter than sugar!! So it should be no surprise that its name; Glycyrrhiza breaks down into "glukos" (sweet) and "riza" (root).

Ancients had knowledge from across Greece, China and Egypt in regards to this spectacular herb. Old and New Knowledge says that liquorice root was and is used for digestive problems, Upper respiratory support, Bacterial and viral infections, menopausal symptoms, Depression, skin problems and cardiovascular complaints!

And thats just a few!

Lets look a little closer at what digestive issues this wondiferous herb can help with.


Taken by the mouth, Liquorice has been utilised for a number of stomach complaints. Some include:

  • Stomach ulcers
  • Heartburn
  • Colic
  • Chronic gastritis
  • Bloating
  • Impaired Digestion
  • Gas
  • Functional dyspepsia (upset stomach) and
  • Unstoppable vomiting.

And that is just the beginning!

More than 400-thats right FOUR HUNDRED- compounds have been isolated from liquorice root.

Immune and anti-inflammatory support is the next big hit with this miracle herb.

There are 2 constituents that are particularly interesting, isoliquiritigenin and naringenin, as they promote T cell induction and that plays a vital role in controlling immune responses and preventing autoimmunity.

As you can well imagine, this herb-in recent years, has gathered popularity because of it's significant bio-activity in antioxidative, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory functions.

Amongst the things I have already talked about, liquorice is great for constipation, cold and flu symptoms, bronchial symptoms, Viral Infections, Adrenal support, PMS and Menopause support, Addison's disease, Diabetes, LUPUS, osteoporosis, liver disorders (Including treatment of Hepatitis B and C), Tuberculosis, food poisoning, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypertonia (too high muscle tone), abcesses, Varicella virus, recovery from surgery, rashes, high cholesterol, polycystic ovary syndrome (POS), muscle cramps, reduction of cancer pain, ECZEMA, prostate cancer, fever, IBS, Stopping bleeding, weight loss and even helps reduce dental plaque.

The following is a basic make-up for remedies:

  • Dried root: 1 to 5 g as an infusion or decoction (boiled), three times daily
  • Licorice 1:5 tincture: 2 to 5 mL, three times daily
  • Standardized extract: 250 to 500 mg, three times daily, standardized to contain 20 percent glycyrrhizinic acid
  • DGL extract: 0.4 to 1.6 g, three times daily, for peptic ulcer
  • DGL extract 4:1: chew 300 to 400 mg, three times daily 20 minutes before meals, for peptic ulcer
  • Mouthwash: Mix 1/2 teaspoon licorice extract with 1/4 cup water, swish, gargle, and expel the mouthwash four times daily for canker sores

WOOOOOHOOOOO for Herbs, people!

These wonderful gifts from nature are what's going to help heal the damage caused over the last, particularly, poisonous century.

More to come!
Hope you enjoyed.
All photos are from my garden and alas, I have taken them ^_^ <3

SteemOn! <3

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goly sakes this is a lot of text


pineapple contains bromelain aids digestion via relaxing smooth muscle/cramps

garlic contains allicin, an active enzyme that breaks down mucous for runny noses or congestion

what I remember from medicinal botany lol

@mistakevo Great tips! I love pineapple. Pineapple and turmeric juice (in a shot form) is a great natural vaccination :') <3

And I mean shot like alcohol shot <3

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.

Welcome to Steemit. Always nice to meet people with a real passion for something. Enjoy your stay here. See you around! :-)

@bart2305 Why thank you, my friend! ^_^
I really couldn't agree more. Passion is a phenomenal emotion with a whole lot of power <3

Welcome! I love your passion for herbs. They are a blessing to those who take the time to learn about them and use them in their life.

Thank yoU @marymg2014 ! <3 Definitely knowledge forgotten mostly, isn't it? Thank goodness for the age of knowledge <3

I welcome you to the colorful world of steemit! You will definitely get a whole new experience from all the wonderful people in this community.

We are indeed blessed with so many medicinal herbs around us.

Also feel free to visit @GLOBALFOODBOOK

holy hell thats a lot of sources lolaryan 72dpi.jpg