The Bird of Paradice.

in garden •  8 years ago 

Here is another good example of a Strelitzia reginae, or Bird of Paradice, on the street front. This shows the clumping habit of the Plant when mature.

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that plant is big man!

Yes , it's a good size clump.

Very interesting

wow, its a cool plant. Kudos @ctrl-alt-nwo , you're very passionate about your job. keep it up!

i guess the plant is pretty common in the area

Yeah, fairly common. It's tough, and easy to care for, and flowers for most of the year too.

Beautiful shape and brilliant colours of Strelitzia reginae have made these flowers not just a designer's favorite, but also a popular symbol of paradise.
Here is a link there is possible to buy seeds of this plant, cheers !

Is not this dangerous if it is freely on street? A child or dog may touch orveat it... Or a drunk person fall into it :)

Watch the video again :) You will see that the Bird of Paradise is not the poisonous one, it's actually the Angels Trumpet that is the bad boy ( or Girl ) in disguise. There are many many dangerously toxic plants in public places, but many people are just not aware of them. I guess they just take the risk....and we hope they or their kids don't eat them.

Ok, sorry. I see I was also not aware of bad angel trumpet. Still better than to fall into it :)