Sunshine harvest smiles πŸŒ½πŸ…πŸŒ±

in garden β€’Β  3 years agoΒ  (edited)


We have a ton of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers & courgettes at the moment so the kids have been helping me at harvest time.


A very serious job indeed.


Getting those low ones is easier for little people.


And into the box they go.


Once the work is done, silly season begins.


Esteban always joins Luna for such moments of course.


This is basically what happens when I tell them to smile for the camera.


I was kicking myself for not planting sunflowers this year till these guys suddenly appeared and I remembered that last year's sunflowers dropped their seeds everywhere!


Love the simplicity of nature. So really, one only needs to plant sunflowers once to have them forever. Which is great!


Finally we had some sweetcorn to harvest.


Esteban was excited to open one.


Luna was fascinated and I think this was the first time she understood where corn comes from.


The first thing she did after I took this shot was to take a big bite and learn the hard way that cooking is required before eating! Bless her ;)


One of the many things I have been doing with our abundance of tomatoes is this fermented dish, using parsley, garlic & apple cider vinegar.


Here is the recipe if you're interested.

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The full book on fermenting can be found here

In other news we lost the baby cat for three days and the verdict was out that someone had stollen him. But he returned! Oh and I don't think I mentioned it before but it turns out she is a he. Yes, he definitely has balls, so the name has been switched from Lilu to Pichu.


And while Pichu is no longer a kitten he is still taking full advantage of his mother's milk at every opportunity.


Sabrina's parents live in the same village as us and have a rather lovely pool which has been a total life-saver on hot days.

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Esteban has been practicing a lot this year and am happy to announce that he can now swim confidently. Very happy for him.

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As for me, I'm alright. Enjoying the summer and excited to see what the winter has in store for us.

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Remember how I told you I bought LUNA at $0.50 at the beginning of this year because I liked the name? Well, yesterday I sold a bunch at $32 (because it hit the 1.618 extension from the overall move beginning on the 28th Feb) and yeah, who needs bitcoin!

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I also noticed this morning the $30 of CAT tokens I bought on hive engine (because I like cats) are currently worth almost $6000.

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Thanks for all the CAT tips you've been giving me @cuddlekitten

Exciting times for the hodlers!

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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Wow! Such a lovely day! Nice swimming pool!!

Never heard of Cat token! LoL

Β  Β· Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)

It's for cat lovers exclusively. For those of us making cat posts to share the love with each other. Weirdly I bought them because of a discord group I started called Caturday. It became evident after a few years that I didn't really care about running the discord group and in fact, it ran itself without any need for my presence. A few people in particular seemed very motivated (and authentic in their love of cats!) so I gave them the power to do what they wanted with the group. A few years later they told me they had made the CAT token and sent me a few as a gift. So, I bought a few more as a gesture of good faith in their project and that was that. Didn't really expect it to go anywhere till yesterday! Funny how these things come about. So many times it is about simply following the flow which is being presented to us by The Universe....

Happy days!

Hey, you should comment over on hive. I can't reward you as I would like to here ;)

That’s very nice! The cat really likes you and become your guardian angel! Lol