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It looks like you have yourself more than a handful, there. :0)
Quite a garden, I must say. I love that overview in the first picture. Because my raised beds are spread all around the garden, I can never include them in 1 picture, lol.

I can’t wait to see how wealthy everything will look once you get a little further in the season. It will be so beautiful (it already is, but I hope you know what I mean)

Yeah, it's a pretty big garden, it's almost impossible to get all of it into 1 picture. :-)

wow! this is a lot of work that looks like its on a busy street! i mean its not in the deep country. amazing! it gives me bravery to do this too. thank you for all the cool layout photos too, great ideas come.

Thank you!
Yes, we live right in town. We have the advantage of a corner lot with a south exposure, so that really helps a lot. It's a residential area so the traffic isn't too bad.

excellent! again, love the photos

Wow, that's a lot to cover but I love your garden, so much food can be planted there, I envy you... hahaha

Thank you!
It's a lot of work, but it produces a lot of food, so that's a good thing.

I can imagine the hours need to spend just to take care of this, but you are right, it's all worth it at the end.

amazing. i will post photos of what we have here in chicago in our yard soon. we have 4 of those water collection tanks, with a large gutter on our roof that runs all the rainwater into them, the problem is, they are not raised up 4 feet above the ground like yours is, so there is not very much gravity pressure to shoot it out the hose. none the less, i just fill up my little sprayer with the unchlorinated rainwater so to mix it with Effective Microorganisms that i happily spray on the plants.. cool photoS!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my post!
I'd really like to know more about that hemp paste that you posted about several weeks ago!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

oh great! Yeah I swear by that stuff. I always include a little Hemp paste jar in the footer of my posts :) So, yeah, its WHOLEPLANT cbd, with all the cannabinoids intact, not an oil extract. The company that sells it is called My Nutracuticals, and I am a sales Rep for them :) They cross bred a strain of cannabis to have <0.3% THC and around 19% cbd. So its legal in all 50 states. its also much more effective that oil tinctures, because all the cannabinoids need to synergistically work together on the endocannabinoid system. I found out about the stuff from Ken Rohla, a health educator from florida who helped heal Martin Luther King’s mother. here is a minute of him speaking about it.

And here is another video I collaged from an interview with him talking about the legality and how well it detoxes the body. Personally, ever since i started taking it, I have extreamly memorable and vivid dreams!! I have helped people get off anti depressants, actually a person on steemit, @chelsea88, I got her off anti depressants :)

The company is run by 3 people in Colorado, great people. i run an instagram for it @hemp_paste . while its still expensive its the cheapest and most Effective Cbd product on the market. and no ody knows about it lol.

So yeah let me know if you have any questions, and use this link if you decide to shop, so I can get a cut :)

Thanks for the information and the link!

its looking great amber... im very impressed!

Thank you! :-)

You have a hell of a good size plot there and such a variety.

What did you use for the garden edging?

Thank you!
I use pretty much anything I can get my hands on for garden edging. Boards, old rubber backed rugs cut in long strips, a couple of plastic truck bed liners that I cut into long strips with a sawzall, some old worn out tread mill belts that were given to me...if grass can't grow up through it and it doesn't fall apart quickly, I'll use it.

Looking great. What are you planning on doing with the wheat?

This year is just an experiment to see if the wheat will grow here. If it works well and we get enough to harvest, a lot of it will probably be saved for seeds for next year for a larger plot.

If it all works out, what do you want to do with it? Flour? Spirits? Or maybe you just enjoy Amber waves of grain? Haha. Get it. Amber waves of grain. Either way, I am always impressed by all the cool projects you have going on. You are a busy lady.

I think the plan was to use some of it for flour and some for making beer...
Somewhere on one of my old picture disks, there's a picture titled "Amber waves with grain" :-)

Super impressed! Happy harvesting.

thank you!

That's what we call, "A busy garden"! You sure are a glutton for punishment! I love it.....

Yeah, it's a lot of work to get it all planted, but the end result is worth it. :-)
This was our survival garden for a few years when we were really broke.