Kebun kopi saya(My coffee garden)

in gardening •  7 years ago  (edited)

selamat malam Teman steemian semua..
Saya sangat menarik membanca postingan teman tentang perawatan Dan pengolahan kebun.

**Kami berada didaerah dingin komuditas tanaman kami pada kopi, kopi menjadi layak untuk kami kembangkan diderah kami.**
Pengembangan kopi begitu sulit Karena belum ada tutor yang memberi pengalaman dan ilmu yang berharga bagi kami.
Kopi disaat sekarang telah menjadi komuditas ekspor ke luar negeri apalagi dengan adanya pelebelan sertifikat kopi tersebut. Dan harapan apalagi dengan meningkatnya harga pembelian terutama terhadap pengemar kopi luwak. ![image]()
Dan inilah tahap penanaman yang kami lakukan.
Menanam merupakan budaya nenek moyang kami,sampai turun-temurun saat sekarang.
Kekurangan yang kami rasakan belum ada tutor tekhnik pengembangan kopi secara bear. ![image]()
Kopi merupakan harapan kami kedepan dengan kata lain, belum tentu kami bisa menikmatnya, Anaklah mungkin suatu saat akan menikmati.
Semoga apa yang kami cita-citakan akan membuahkan hasil kedepan
![image]() scarce English : good evening steemian friends all .. I am very interesting membanca posting friends about care And garden processing.
** We are in the cold commodity area of ​​our crops on coffee, coffee becomes worthy for us to develop up to us. **
Development of coffee is so difficult Because there is no tutor who gives experience and knowledge that is valuable to us.
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Coffee has now become a commodity exports abroad especially with the certification of the coffee original And hope especially with the increase in purchase price, especially against coffee mongoose. ! [image] ()
And this is the stage of planting we do.
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Planting is the culture of our ancestors, down through the generations now.
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The shortcomings that we feel there is no technical coffee development tutor is bear. ! [image] ()
Coffee is our hope in the future with other words, not necessarily we can enjoy it, the child may one day will enjoy.
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Hopefully what we aspire to will result in the future
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