Verbenaceae/Lantana Camara - Wild Sage; Cherry Pie; Gomdagga (Afrikaans)

in gardening •  7 years ago  (edited)

This little flower is native to Central and South America (Tropics). There are more than a 150 species of Lantana and it is part of the Verbena family.

This small perennial fast spreading shrub can reach a height of up to 2m and even higher, it is used mostly as a hedge because of its formation of dense thickets with four-angled thorn covered stems. The Lantana is seen as one of the worst weeds in the world and an invasive plant in South Africa because it competes and replace indigenous species, effecting the natural ecosystem.

The flowers have a tutti frutti smell with four petals each, they are tubular shaped and arranged in cluster with multiple colours (red, orange, yellow, pink and white) in each head. The colours of the flowers change after pollination and is dependent on their age and location.

The leaves are oval, serrated, simple, dark green and hairy, it gives off an odour when crushed.

The berry like fruit are light green and turn black when ripe and over 10 000 of them are produced by each plant. The Lantana spreads via seed dispersal.

This plant can survive most climates and conditions, it is also quite fire resistant.

Lantana is toxic to humans and livestock, causing liver damage. The leaves though are used in India in traditional medicines for treating cancer, chicken pox and measles.

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There is nothing beautiful than nature

wow amazing photography
i like to gardening very much
thanks for sharing it
keep it on

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

The flower is just so beautiful. The Color and all. Not seen this type in my country before. You really took time to study this flower. Good job

But it's scares me because it's toxic to humans. And also used as cure. Wow

i like your post

Wow that's a really amazing post dear, so beauty and nice Well done job by you, i read it and enjoy it, and learn lot of thing's from this post, and i visit your blog many times, and reading your interesting articles and comments on it, So keep it up, and im waiting for your next post, well thanks for sharing with us, Thank You.

The sirih rih flower

nice post

unique and beautiful flowers

Great post- the pictures look beautiful with the colors of those flowers really popping out. In Kenya, the leaves of this plant are used in the village to treat ring worms on kids' heads and it's really effective. They just crash the leaves and rub it on the scalp :)

beautiful flowers 😍

Very pretty! Thank you for sharing this.

Beautiful myfriend,,, this plant is so much at my place,,, :) thanks for sharing,,,

Its my flower favourite!!!💐💐💐💐💐