Gardening Hacks : Basic Tips in Growing Cacti Indoors

in gardening •  8 years ago  (edited)

Are you a fan of cacti? I am.

When I first moved here in The Netherlands, I learned that people bring plants and flowers when they visit someone. I'm one who prefers flowers unpicked. I love being given flower as every woman do and most of my friends know now that I love them in pots not in vases.

In most windows here, you'll find plants displayed on the sill. In my case, it's cacti. I'm a Filipina, I love tropical plants and my first encounter of them was in Baguio City. There, cacti grow beautifully and flower much. Back in the Philippines, I used to collect them and so, I do the same here.

One time, hub and I were doing the grocery and we bumped into these cute little cacti which I thought were flowering. They were my very first cacti.

Unfortunately, only one of them are still alive because at that time I don't know how to take care of cacti so two of them eventually died. Later on, I bought new ones to replace those that died and looked for ways on how to grow them indoors successfully.

Here are basic tips in growing your cacti indoors:

Grow your cacti in a shallow pot with enough room for growth. Transplant once it has grown close to the side of the pot.

Make your own potting soil by mixing 1/3 garden soil, 1/3 sand and 1/3 gravel or tiny pebbles. Layer them garden soil first (bottom), sand next and finally pebbles on top. Better yet, buy a ready mix soil for cactus.

Water the cactus only once a month. Pour the water around the base of the cactus NOT ON the cactus. If it gets too sunny and warm, water it at least two times on those sunny days. Water them on a regular schedule. One of my new cacti died because it got too warm this summer and I followed the once a month regular watering, most of their soil got pretty dry.

The last watering should take place during the last week of September. From October to January, do not water them at all. It's their sleeping time or dormancy. They won't shred a needle or anything though, you won't notice the difference.

Place your cacti in a sunny place. The best place is facing south and never in a direct sunlight. If you have glass windows like we do, better not place the cacti too close to the window as it could get too warm in summer. Direct sunlight would actually make the cacti look pale. Too much direct sunlight would eventually burn them.

Move the cacti to a darker place in your house where there is no direct sunlight at all - from October to January .This way, they would know it's winter and doing this encourages them to flower in the spring. They need to sleep or go dormant in the winter as well.

Fertilize your cacti two times a year. Never during its dormancy. Some fertilize their cacti 3 times a year specially the huge ones. I use Pokon for my cacti and this year they have been successfully growing.

Lastly, talk to your cacti and give them compliments when you are watering them. Plants are alive and they get encouraged with appropriate attention. If too much love would kill you - too much attention would kill that cactus, too.

Everything grows well when grown in balance and with love.

sources: How to Care for Indoor Cacti
How to Grow Cactus Indoors
Fertilizing Cactus Plants: When And How To Fertilize A Cactus
Annie Cactus of
1st two pics I've also shared in my other social media account but not publicly.

Some of these pictures I took with my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 and some with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016.
Love plants like I do? FOLLOW ME @englishtchrivy.

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They are so pretty! Especially the ones with flowers!
Have you ever eaten cactus fruit?

@anca3drandom thank you!
Yes, the cactus fig - watery or juicy and taste a bit like Korean pears. They're selling in Ekoplaza these days ^ ^

I saw them today at Lidl and hesitated to try them out. Maybe I will..

@anca3drandom really? I'll go check, Lidl's more affordable :D can probably buy 2 for the price of 1 in the other shop. Thank you for the tip <3 ^ ^

You're welcome! Keep in mind that I'm in another country, maybe the offers are not the same :)

Nyaha -
@anca3drandom - I thought you're here. :)
Germany Lidl or Belgian or further?

Beautiful post and pics of your cactus! I love growing succulents too!

@sunscape, @allmonitors,allgoodthings @thank you !

awesome tips!

Awesome presentation!

great stuff
I'm having problems with growing aloe, i think croc jaws is the name .they grow really well then over night after a couple of months they just full over and die off.
any tips

@jahtech I bought one that's already two years old. It was still weak as you can see on the picture it was tiny when I bought it but it has grown beautifully. Buy one that's already two years old, unless it is - it could eventually die. Matured croc jaws have a better possibility to grow than very young ones. Never over water. cacti are easy maintenance but tell me how did you take care of it?

Nothing after the first one died .learnt not to water .the second one was in perfect health then walked into the room the next day and it had fallen over .the stem close to the soil had turned a very lighter color .can you tell the health of the plant by the color shade? Also i see yours are in a sand type soil, mine are in the store potting mix .i love the architectural structure of the plant

I see, the soil is important - and yes, I wrote it up there that too much sun could cause making the plant look pale and that means they're unhealthy. everything needs balance the 1st week I got mine, it also turned a bit pale cause I put it way far from the window it lacked sunlight -everything needs balance. Try again my friend, if you really like that one, it could grow really huge though. If you buy another one get one that's 2 years old already - bigger chances it'll survive. Good luck

beautiful <3

@awesomenyl thanks

Nice! I love cactus. San Pedro! :D

sieht richtig toll aus

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