The Urban Homestead Garden

in gardening •  8 years ago  (edited)

An Early Spring Garden On The Homestead

What is an Urban Homesteader?

The Urban Homesteader is someone who follows the homestead lifestyle in an urban setting. This of course means different things to different people. To me it means that in my small 23' travel trailer on the edge of town, life has not changed too much since my Alaskan homesteading years. I live tiny, but I am almost able to stay out of the grocery store. My major expense in the market is milk, which I use to make cheeses and yogurts. My container garden lines my patio in every direction as well as the front and back of the trailer. I also have a small screen room which is totaly surounded with plants. I have around 30 plus fruit trees, which yield their fruit in season. Most of these trees began with a small seed from an organic fruit 4 or 5 years ago. I have over 50 herbs in my herb garden, and a complete vegetable garden. Many of my veggies began as a seed in an organic veggie that I ate. I also plant both organic and heritage seeds as needed. I collect seeds from my plants to save for the next years crop. The more I can save, the less I spend. I also made a simple greenhouse out by the screen room for those things which can not handle cooler temperatures. One steady customer is my Date Palm. I actually have 2 such palms that are 5 years old. They will usually begin to fruit in the 7th or 8th year. These are the only 2 trees who are not giving fruit in their season as of yet. 

In addition to my other gardens, are my root crops and those that grow from rizones. These are grow out back of the trailer. In this section are my potatoes, turnips, carrots, and other root crops. Also growen are ginger, tumeric, horseradish, asparegus, ect. In the front of the trailer is my tea garden. Then on one edge of the patio are the organic and heritage aloes. Scattered among the trees and plants on the patio are the seedlings just getting started in small pots. I will transfer to larger spots in a few weeks. Life is amazing on the homestead! 

To all those who say they have no room for a garden, all I can say is that I live a tiny home of 184 sq feet and have a mobile lifestyle and still, I  always have a garden. My garden needs change when I go to the West Coast from the East Coast, or the North from the South. It may be done differently in each place, but I always have a garden.  When living in cooler areas, I make a slightly larger greenhouse. I have many tropical fruit trees which need tender loving care during cold temperatures. Some, I find a corner in my tiny house for their winter needs.

No matter where you live, there is always room for a garden. When living in a house, my garden was mostly indoors during winter. Now, I make a greenhouse to fit my needs. Whatever is important to you, you will work till you have found a way, even in the city. 

The garden has been tended. It was watered and weeded as needed. New seeds were planted in the small pots that had once held something else. Those have since moved on to a bigger pot. It is time once again for a relaxing bath with Lavender Essential Oils and bath salts. Soon I will will curl up with a good book in front of my miniture fireplace, all electric for safety. A busy day has ended. 

"Explore the World and soar like an eagle" 

Marla Silva @ floridagypsy   

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That's a nice homestead and garden setup that you have, for sure! Do you take all your trees with you when you travel?

Yes, I do and I quite often go from one extreme to the next. Last year I went from Florida to Calif. where I had to get each plant checked for bugs before I went and again at the border. I am in the middle of a move from the San Diego area right now to Washington , where I will need to build a quick green house.

I bet those inspectors liked looking at all your plants, lol! I can appreciate why they need to do that, though. So many invasive bugs have moved around on potted plants. You are a dedicated gardener, that's for sure! Enjoy Washington!

They told me I had the cleanest dirt they had seen in a long time. I didn't bring my lemon trees though, as I knew they would not let them in at all.

Sorry for the delay in upvoting. There was a big ice storm that disrupted curation for the @gardening-trail since last Wednesday.

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Thank you.

Wow, you have it down to a science! I'm impressed with the variety you've got.

(One small typo you might want to fix - I think you find your tropical trees a corner, not a coroner. At least, I hope that's the case. {Grin})

I think you are right, but it is too late to edit comment.

I think you can edit your post any time before the 30 day payout period is over. I edit my posts sometimes, well after the first day.

Last time I saw no edit option. Saw it this time and fixed it. Thanks.

You're welcome

This is awesome! I love to see more and more people growing their own food - even mobile gardens! :)

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