Going Green! Backyard Greenhouses Really Make a Difference (A necessity in northern climates)

in gardening •  7 years ago 

Going Green

Here in the northern part of Ontario, Canada, Spring arrives a little later and summer is always too short. Normal day time highs throughout May range from single digit to the teens (in degrees Celsius). We have to wait until June in order to be absolutely sure there won't be a day of morning frost to kill our budding plants.

The cost of fresh vegetables normally is higher than our more southern cities due to the added costs of supply chain logistics to deliver to the less populated northern regions.

One way people tend to cope around here is to extend the growing season with a backyard greenhouse. I wanted to share some stills of my greenhouse that I took last weekend. I perhaps should have set it up a little sooner but managed to be ready for the start of May. You can see that things are starting to grow and hopefully it'll be sunny and warm enough to transplant some of the plants into the garden itself.

But I think I'll leave a few plants in the greenhouse all summer to keep some of the bugs away from my lettuce and tomato plants for example.

Another thing that I sometimes worry about are future failures in the global supply chain. Food self sufficiency should be a priority for all individuals, families and communities alike. When you live in a colder climate which is more remote from the really big distribution hubs, there's always a chance you'll get overlooked in times of product scarcity.

I'd love to hear more about your backyard greenhouses. Please comment below and share your stories and tips.

Free In Thought, 2017


Images are all mine unless noted. Taken with my Samsung Galaxy S2
Writing is original - Always

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I'd love to set up a green house but my wife won't let me :(

I have that problem for other things, but fortunately my wife likes gardening in general so she's on board. Maybe yours would be more interested if she saw some of the other benefits like being outdoors more, exercise, healthy eating, supporting cleaner environment etc. etc.

May be worth a try? Good Luck.
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I HEAR YA. I live in the Ottawa Valley and have made a cold frame and a green house.

Nice! I like how yours has nice high shelves to maximize space. Thanks for sharing. 😃