RE: It's FREE Fertilizer & Compost Season!

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It's FREE Fertilizer & Compost Season!

in gardening •  7 years ago 

It's amazing what people will toss out.
Just a few weeks back someone was throwing away an old Sauder TV/entertainment center- and we caught it before it got damaged by rain. It was low to the ground and had two cupboards. We removed the cupboards, sanded off the shiny laminate finish and I'm going to be painting it for an additional table indoors for my indoor herb plants.
One of those winter projects.

Already have the paint, Kilz and now a free table.

Good find on the bales of straw!

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That sounds like an amazing project! 3 of my 4 rabbit hutches were all "garbage picks" and even my Quail Hutch! Love FREE!!!