Growing and Processing Ginger in 2017 and 2018

in gardening •  7 years ago 

Ginger storage crop Feb. 2018.jpg

Various ways of preserving ginger, either for use or for seed

New Herb garden - hoophouse and ginger crop June 2017.jpg

I used the surviving roots from the experiments in storing to start 3 plants in 2017 as my Fedco order for new roots never came. They were not strong, and with the cool, damp summer we had, did not do much.

Ginger crop Nov. 2017.jpg

This is the ginger I dug in October 2017. One older one in the pot, on the heating pad (sort of) and 2 in jars. They last a long time in jars.

Ginger sprouts crop Feb. 2018.jpg

I found a local source of organic ginger in January and bought 2 lbs. I set them to cure after dividing them into 2 oz pieces, each with several eyes. After 7 days curing we planted them in the big bowl pot. They had a heat mat and high density lights.

One month later, at the end of January a sprout appeared, and then rapidly 5 more. The one stored in the small pot had rotted. The 2 in the jars are growing leaves. I will plant them into the ground in the hoophouse when it’s warm enough in June.

Ginger crop Feb. 2018.jpg

The potted ones grew so fast that in 3 weeks I had to take them out from under the lights, as they had grown into the bulbs.

Ginger1 crop March 2018.jpg

I moved them over onto the seed starting benches with the heat mat. They get East sun there. But my cat has decided she likes chewing ginger leaves, so I hope the plants survive until June when I can plant them out in their hoophouse.

In the meantime, I have ordered more organic ginger root from Fedco, just in case.

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Very cool. This is something I've always wanted to try but been intimidated by. One day. I hope you have much success!

It's really very easy to do. The hardest part is setting up the little hoophouse for it, if you want to grow it outside. I grew it inside for years in big pots.

That's encouraging! Sounds like pots would be a good place to start. Thanks

Definitely intetested in giving ginger a try. You make it look so easy!

It really is!

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