in gardening •  6 years ago 

We have another super hot day today, i won't be spending to much time out there as its to hot for the dogs.

Whilst i was out there i decided to have a move around with the help of hubby. I pulled the table up to leave more room where the Bee nest and Bee watering holes are to place all my Bee flowers together. Now i have a Bee corner.

I thought having all there flowers together i would see a lot more action.

I am also pleased to see the Emperor Blue flower is getting stronger. The Bee's love this flower.


Thank you for visiting :)

Thank you son-of-satire

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You have been busy! The bees should love their new bee corner. Hopefully, the weather will cool down a little for you. On Friday I was speaking with my brother in Canada and it was 37C. This morning it is 14C! This is crazy!

I hope they do as there will be lots of flowers for them. Its so hot, we aren't used to this. No doubt Snow will be here soon lol :)

Oh, no! Not snow! That is the bane of my existence! Snow and cold don't get along well...

I hate snow i hated it when i was growing up, whilst my friends were outside playing i would stay in. I can't go out as its to slippy and way to cold

My joints and muscles are in pain when I am cold. I can hardly move and I am miserable in cold.

That's me too, my knee aches with the cold. I would love to be able to hibernate :)

How beautiful is your garden dear friend @ karenb54 / congratulations

Haha that is awesome! A bee corner! :D I have done a similar thing and after saving Bertie the Queen Bee the other week, I went out and bought a load of bee friendly flowers for the garden. We are now getting LOADS of bee traffic and I have to be careful that the dogs don't try and eat them! lol

Lol Geordie does like to munch on a Bee then his face explodes in bumps doesn't stop him trying I make sure he doesn't get anywhere near now.