Update on Dwarf Coral Celosia

in gardening •  8 years ago 

These are Dwarf Coral Celosia. It's a flower that is grown as a vegetable in Africa. I came across this flower and was surprised on how vibrant and colorful they were. So this year I decided to buy some seeds to grow them.The main reason I wanted to grow them is for bees to ensure they have a diverse food source and can benefit from them. Here are the results so far.







I have to prepare a garden area this year for next year. I plan to grow a large variety of celosia for large bees and other beneficial insects. Hopefully I can get the area for my new garden prepared to have a harvest of something. I will be sure to document and share the process as it occurs!

Have a great day! Hope you enjoyed!

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woow that's really amazing

Yeah as they fill out they become more complex!