in gardening •  7 years ago  (edited)

We all want plants that produce food and with as little effort as possible. Achocha Cucumbers are pest resistant, powdery mildew resistant, grow very long vines and produce more than you will be able to eat. You only need to provide them some good healthy moist soil and something to climb on.

Order them from our website today!

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Awesome video! Thank you for sharing! I'm always looking for produce that is less maintenance.

No problem, thanks for watching! It means a lot. Tomatoes are well worth learning how to grow well. Big rewards!

I am so excited about my achochas! They are coming up nicely in the garden now. Thank you so much for offering these and educating us on something new.

I'm hoping to get some of these from your website next year so we can grow them in our backyard! I think I discovered these a little too late to plant them this spring.

I ordered some of these seeds from you in the fall. They are doing good so far. Hope they produce plenty of cucumbers for seed. Thanks!

Dress with a little rabbit or goat manure to really see an explosion.

Hey, need some info. We ordered and planted these this year and they are growing great. However, it is now August 14 and still not fruiting. I can see where the flower and stamens are to fertilize the fruit but they never mature or grow into fruit. I don't know what is wrong. Can you help?

Hey Zach! Something REALLY IMPORTANT to tell those who buy these seeds from you. I was getting discouraged because mine did not want to set fruit. I read up on them and found that they dont set fruit until August or September. Mine however, took until the 3rd week of September! But they finally did it! Not sure what took them so long. I am in the same zone as you are so hard to say. But they just need to be patient. They are worth the wait!