in gardening •  7 years ago 

The old garden site keeps producing!

With no additional effort, the old garden site keeps cranking out the plants. I figured that it would give us some good seedlings to transplant to the new garden, but this is getting ridiculous!


After recently purchasing some Marigold plants for our new garden site, a few volunteers sprung up in our old garden. This is part of what I love about gardening. So many plants will replant themselves year after year, and the Marigolds were not alone!

Quite a few Dill plants have also now sprung up. I've got a great place for these already picked out in the new garden, so we will just have to transplant them this week.

Well, we've already got some great tomatoes planted, but these volunteers that sprang up in the old garden are bigger than some of the seedlings that we still have to put in, so they may take precedence. I honestly was not expecting free tomato seedlings from our old garden! What a blessing!

Now this one I was expecting, Passionfruit! I love these guys, but they aren't really a "garden plant" as they can easily take over. We've got multiple ones sprouting up here, though, so I'll have to find a good place down on the land for them!

This one I expected too! The Tomatillo! These are a staple in salsa verde, and in our garden. I didn't start any seedlings this year because I was planning on some volunteering here, so hopefully some more come up.

This was the other one that is not really a good garden plant, the Mint. It is sprouting up everywhere, so we will just harvest it here. I'll find a place for some down on the land, but it will not be taking over my garden down there. I only planted it in this old garden site because I knew that it would be temporary.


We spent some time cutting down some of the Mint to be dried. The @little-peppers love the flavor, and we enjoy using it a number of ways. As with the planting and propagating of plants, we like the @little-peppers to understand the harvest too.

For these we are just cutting, tying, and drying them. We will hang them out of the sunlight until they dry and then put them into jars. We will also be using some fresh, since a cold glass of ice water with crushed mint leaves in it is extremely refreshing on a hot summer day.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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Four blessings, each with and handful of their own ^~

Amen to that my friend!

You sure got a good thing going brother, am very happy for your warm family :)

I live in a much more urban setting than you. However, I find one can do a lot in a small space. I've been gardening, composting, and harvesting in this location for just over 4 years. This year I am discovering more volunteer tomato plants than ever. They show up in various parts of my small garden, and in my container flowers, etc. So much fun. And just more free food! Thanks @papa-pepper.

Gotta love more free food! I love volunteer garden plants!

Awesome man! I need to start a garden of my own

Gardening is a wonderful thing for me. Utilizing empty land to grow vegetable crops often I do. You are amazing @papa-pepper. Teach your children to use nature well. In fact I see they are very happy doing that very useful work. I remember my childhood, my parents taught me how to farm. And until now I am very happy to garden. Good luck always for you @papa-pepper.

NICE POST. You will inspire many steemians.
gardenning not just plant and harvest. i can understand cause we live in tropical region and have many plants. We keep 13 goats so we can use the dirt from goats as good fertilizer for plants. The excitement of gardening is when we can communicate with plants, as if our hands can always caress the leaves while enjoying the keindahnnya. Especially when the harvest was, chili, ginger, spinach, mint or other. Really really felt his blessing

you guys are rich in plants!
hey what's a Tomatillo?
the iced Mint drink sounds wonderful and man
those kids are precious!

Hey @papa-pepper

That's the God's doing. When you think it's an old garden, God says it's a knew one and keeps it producing. The @little-pappers are looking great, growing in the wisdom of the Papa.

Beautiful family.


@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities

Thanks man!

For your mint, try an old bottomless bucket or two, buried into the ground
leaving 1 - 2 inches showing, fill with dirt and mint.
the mint roots cant penetrate the side of the bucket so it keeps them controlled.
pick a section of boundary fence that you have done in the square mesh,
plant the passion fruit at the bottom, let them grow over the fence,

Excellent advice! Thanks man!

Amazing .
Very beautiful look so fresh and natural

We are blessed with natural good things... They are all within us.. .bless goodness.

That's the work of nature, useful plants grows themselves even at abandoned places

good, I like the plants that you will plant, because everything can be utilized.

Yes unexpected gifts. The kids seem to be growing like weeds too. :-)

The garden that just keeps on giving! I like that about gardens. The volunteer plants. Saves lots on replanting seedlings and seeds. I started with a small patch of mint. Now I have enough to supply the whole neighbourhood plus ourselves. If things weren't so unsafe right now, I would be considering selling in the market but it's not worth getting killed over!

Love how the whole family loves nature. Rare to see parents teaching their kids by being with them around wildlife.

So awesome you live in a such a fertile region! Abbondanza!