How Does My Garden Grow? It's Finally Taking Off!

in gardening •  7 years ago 


In a post a while back, I mentioned that I was running late getting seed started and getting things in the ground. Well, it's finally coming together!

I've got a dentist appointment in 2 hours and it's 45 minutes away so this will be a quick one.

The radishes have done spectacularly. Now I'm letting about 15 of them go to seed.


The herbs are doing marvelously too. Here are a few of them.


Everything's in bloom!


And we're finally seeing some fruit!


This tomato is either a Great White or an Ivan. I've got to start labeling my varieties!

That's it for now, I gots ta'run!



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All photos are mine, taken with my trusty Android. :)

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Wow! Seems that everything in your garden from the radishes to the fruits are in a roll! They're either in bloom or having fruits. That strawberry looks pretty tempting. I think it was still newly planted with the last post I saw; the one with turtles crossing the road :)

You know, I almost included some new turtle pictures. They're everywhere!

Yeah, I started those berries from seed last fall and got them in the ground this spring. They're Alpine strawberries, so they're tiny. But they're so sweet and the plants are just loaded with blossoms!

Ooohh! That must be a sight: turtles everywhere :)

I didn't know there are many types of strawberries. Maybe that's why I see some small ones and some big. I envy your garden with these strawberries!

That is looking awesome! It has been a battle here to keep mine from burning up.

My main garden is shaded from around 1:30 to 3:30. That helps. I've also got a few inches of straw to keep the ground from drying out to fast. But, it's just June. It might get harder into July to keep it all alive... We'll see.

Lovely garden you have going. Your season is a bit ahead of mine. The only thing up here to eat is the rhubarb and chives.

ooh, I love that tomatillo flower!

Good to see a productive garden. I need to up my herb game.