Weeding the Garden of the Mind,

in gardening •  8 years ago 

When I was a kid I use to hate weeds. I imagined all of the left over roots that we can't pull out multiplying and creating even more weeds the next day. So everyday there would be more work than the day before. It made the whole thing seem like a futile effort.

Instead of a fertile effort.

I've since learned that weeds have an important role to play in the garden. All green plants have nitrogen in them. All agriculture that has turned brown after it's lost it's nutrients have carbon that replaced the nitrogen. Plants that grow brown or tan also have carbon.

That's how compost is made. Mix 1/3rd nitrogen with 2/3rds carbon and that baby can heat up to 120 degrees. It creates the most fertile and beautiful soil. I've never felt, seen, or smelled something so sweet and beautiful. But the same thing can be done as the garden is weeded.

The same thing can be done as the life is weeded.

You can take the weeds, pull them out, break them up to help the digestion process and give them back to the plants you want to cultivate. It gives them back the nitrogen they need.

Imagining the struggles I've known that seemed to only spread and multiply when I tried to cultivate my own heart through this process has taught me that they aren't just garbage thoughts that I have to throw away, only to find more the next day. They can be acknowledged, pulled out, digested and put back into the ground so that the nitrogen, or energy, can be re-cultivated into the plants and fruit that I look forward to harvesting through my day, through my life and through the love I get to enjoy with those around me.

Each day, may the garden be cultivated.
May the mind be cultivated. May the heart be cultivated.
And may those two become one.

Thank you for reading. :) If you'd like to sign up for more newsletters please visit www.rhettrobertson.com. My heart is to continue to understand the similarities between our Mother Earth, our own Spirit, our own Mind, and our own Body. My prayer is these understandings would cultivate the temple of God within each one of us as we cultivate our gardens. One day I know we can bring Eden back. Because she's already here. :)

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