Hurray, picked my first leaves from the allotment

in gardening •  7 years ago 

Clockwise from bottom left: rocket, spinach, aubergine, strange dinosaur plant (apparently they can grow to six feet across), sweetcorn at the back, tomatoes, cut-and-come-again cauliflower (will last five years, the catalogue said - plant, I think, not cauliflowers), coriander, oregano and fennel. Little strainer with first pickings of leaves.

Everything is growing really nicely, and tonight I went out with a strainer and a pair of scissors and picked our first spinach and rocket leaves. They were very tasty, although some other creatures seem to be enjoying the spinach as well. The slugs are making their way through the aubergine and broccoli plants, but everything else seems to be thriving.

We had our leaves with lamb braised on the hob with onions and carrots and mashed potatoes (super nice organic ones from our veg box delivery). The next veg box delivery is tomorrow and I'm looking forward to seeing what crops we get. I still have a red oakleaf lettuce from last week and I'm wondering how to use it. Maybe wilted with some sausages?

The other bed has broccoli, courgettes, rhubarb and some french beans, and the cardoons and globe artichokes are about big enough to go in the top bed this weekend. There's also some runner beans up by the back fence in my first attempt at permaculture.

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You have a nice orchard, I'm envious

Thank you - it's new this year, I'm very pleased with it.

Good work, very green fingers :)

Haha they didn't last long!

That's brilliant @shanibeer...
I guess the snails and slugs are not so happy in this dry weather (while it lasts).
I've got so much to learn; I hadn't heard of that oak leaf lettuce variety !

Another lettuce has arrived in the veg box this week! None of us are big salad eaters, maybe I will make them into soup.

That's brilliant @shanibeer...
Yes, snails and slugs I guess they're not so happy in this dry weather (while it lasts).
I've got so much to learn; I hadn't heard of that oak leaf lettuce variety !

It is so fun to eat what you have planted. Must feel great about it! I live in Singapore so most of us don't have gardens to do that! Upvoted!

Yes 😊 I going to get some little quick growing radishes - you could grow them in a pot!