Guidelines on How to Cultivate the Right Dragon Fruit to Be Optimal

in gardening •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hay steemit how are you all today? Today I am @sucindi very happy because invited by my boyfriend @muklis to see his family's dragon fruit garden, we went 3 with one of my boyfriend's nephew. I immediately did not waste the opportunity to take pictures to make a post in the steemit way of this dragon fruit gardening. So keep reading this article to find out how to properly dragon fruit gardening.

Who does not know the fruit of this one, in terms of health is very good for the body and in terms of form is very beautiful to see so many of us who do the dragon fruit proliferation but still not understand how to plant the true dragon fruit.

Now has many people who innovate how to plant dragon fruit, because the price offered is high enough and easy planting process. In addition to the fruit consumption of dragon fruit can also be used as an ornamental plant because of its very beautiful shape.

The Benefits of Dragon Fruits for Health.

Before we discuss further how to plant dragon fruit is good to know what are the benefits we get after consuming dragon fruit? The following benefits of dragon fruit for our body, among others, as follows:

  • Helps Maintain Health and Stamina body, because dragon fruit contains antioxidants.
  • The function of antioxidants for the body is to maintain and minimize the effects of free radicals and make consumers grow more resistant to disease attacks.
  • The second benefit can lower high cholesterol because mengadung vitamin B3 is good for someone with high cholesterol disease.
  • Cholesterol disease is very dangerous if it continues to grow because it can trigger more dangerous diseases such as heart, coronary and stroke.
  • Because dragon fruit mengadung vitamin B3, can treat cough disease and can help cure asthma and high blood disease.
  • It is clear that cough disease, asthma, stabilize blood pressure.
  • Very we advice for those of you who experience the disease immediately consume dragon fruit on a regular basis.
  • The next benefit of the dragon fruit can cure cancer, it is clear that dragon fruit contains a complex vitamin so it is very good in the healing process of disease.
  • The next benefit can cure diabetes, dragon fruit has sweet taste but sweet taste is not derived from glucose so safe for people with diabetes.

Well after we read the little benefits of dragon fruit, Saya @sucindi will provide information on how to plant dragon fruit correctly.

How To Choose The Right Dragon Fruit Seed.

The first step you should consider in order to succeed in the cultivation of dragon fruit is on the process of seed selection.
For the selection of the seeds themselves depending on you, about you want to cultivate the fruit of this dragon in what way? Because there are 2 methods of dragon fruit culture itself, namely by vegetative or genaratif.
As we all know, the generative way is the way of development through the seed, the seed is taken by removing the seeds of choice from the dragon fruit.
This method is quite difficult and only done by experienced breeders. Then the next way is by the vegetative method that many done by the farmers.
The reason is of course easier, practical and faster in the process. In addition to the easy way, the vegetative method itself has the same properties with the sires. So you just choose a quality broodstock and then propagated by vegetative way.
Here are the steps to get the seeds from the dragon fruit. Let's discuss more deeply about the vegetative course, you can do the cuttings on the stems of plants that have been fruitful at least 2-3 times.
This is to ensure that the cultivation of dragon fruit quickly bear fruit.
Choose a plant stem that has a diameter of at least 8 cm, hard, old and has a gray and healthy green color.
The bigger and stronger the stem will get better, because the stem becomes the main dragon fruit.


Please cut the dragon fruit rod with a length of about 80-120 cm. Do not cut it all, leave about 20%, which 80% will be used to seed the plants. Cut the seedling candidate with a length of 20-30 cm, the top end is cut flat while the lower end is cut similar, It aims to plant roots can quickly grow. Keep the stems that have a minimum of 4 new buds.

Let the stem cuttings are cut to dry sap, this is aimed for the plant does not rot quickly when planted. To reduce the risk of seeds attacked by fungi, cuttings to be planted should be dipped first into the fungicide.

How to cultivation of dragon fruit seeds is to prepare the media seedlings, can by making a bed or using polybags. Make a planting medium using a mixture of soil and organic fertilizer (can use manure or compost). The ratio of the mixture of the two ingredients is 1: 1.

Before the seedlings are planted should first flush the seeding medium to keep moisture. Then plug the seeds, the pointed part is below with a depth of about 5 cm. Put the seeds in a place that is protected from direct sunlight. Flush dragon fruit seeds at least 2-3 times a day until the plants grow buds.

Guide to Growing Dragon Fruit.


This picture is a picture of my boyfriend @muklis along with a nephew was planting the seeds of a dragon fruit tree. How to plant dragon fruit to bear fruit fast as follows:

Land preparation.

Approximately how much land you want to make a place to plant dragon fruit? The cultivation of dragon fruit is becoming one of the lucrative businesses today. Because the demand is very high fruit, plus the market price is quite expensive, which is about Rp.35.000 one kilo. For those of you who want to cultivate dragon fruit in 1 hectare land, then you will need about 6400 seeds and 1600 poles.


Prepare the Pillar.

The next step, you prepare a pole to support the dragon fruit stems because dragon fruit has a trunk propagating function of this pole as a means of propagation of dragon fruit stems. You can choose the iron or wooden pillars are the most important and strong.

Back again, to the extent of the land, for a 1 hectare land that will be planted dragon fruit, then you need a pole buffer about 1600 poles with the arrangement in a march, the distance pole in one row 2.5 meters while the distance between rows 3 meters.

The pole itself can be made square or cylindrical with a diameter of about 10-15 cm. But if you have limited funds can use wood or bamboo strong enough to sustain the plant.

The height of the climbing pole is usually 2-2.5 meters in size and is planted into the ground as deep as 50 cm. This is so that the pole can stand firmly to sustain the growth of dragon fruit. Among the lines for a drainage channel as deep as 25 cm.

Preparation of Planting Media.

As an illustration, you can add 10 kg of sand to the pit, the addition of sand aims to increase the porosity of the soil. After that add the manure or compost as much as 10-20 kg. Do not forget to mix also lime farm or dolomite, because dragon fruit requires a lot of calcium. Mix all ingredients above and mix well.

After all the ingredients are well blended, the next step is to re-pit the hole with the materials above, then flush with water until wet but not to stagnate. After wet, then the next step is to let the planting medium exposed to the sun to dry.

Next, 2-3 days later give additional TSP fertilizer as much as 25 grams per hole. Provision of fertilizer around a climbing pole with a distance of about 10 cm. Let it be about 1 day, now the media is ready to be planted dragon fruit.


The last step that you need to do is the selection and planting of dragon fruit seeds. Before doing the planting first choose which seeds have good quality following are the characteristics of dragon fruit that has the best quality:

  • Parent dragon fruit plants should be in a fertile state, healthy and fresh.
  • Free from pests and has a sturdy rod.
  • The color of the dark green stems and the tip of the stems intact and taper.

The purpose of choosing a qualified seed for dragon fruit plants to bear fruit to the maximum so that the harvest can be abundant. After the selection of seedlings you can directly plant a dragon fruit seeds in place that contains the planting medium that you prepare, do watering and place dragon fruit in the sun-exposed areas.

Plant around 4 seeds of dragon fruit that we all had with the distance with the pole about 10 cm. Dig the planting hole as deep as 10-20, adjust the length of the seedlings. Then input the seeds into the hole and then back with the soil compacted

Do not forget, after the seeds we planted, the next step is to bind the seeds to stick with the pole climbing. Do binding so that plants can grow along 20-30 cm long. The binding should not be too strong for the plants to have room for movement and not to hurt the plant seeds.

How to Take Care of Dragon Fruit to Fruit Maximum.

After you follow the stages how to plant dragon fruit above, the next stage you need to do is how to care for dragon fruit plants. One plant must be treated specifically if you want to produce abundant fruit, well we will present some ways to treat dragon fruit plants to bear fruit quickly as follows:


How to care for the first dragon fruit plants is the process of watering, you only need to do morning and afternoon watering if the weather is stable.


But when the rainy weather you can reduce the amount of watering by looking at the situation, if the weather is dry then you need to do more watering maximum. Avoid watering during high rainy weather.

Provision of fertilizer.

Next you have to give fertilizer, we know the function of doing fertilizer for dragon fruit plants got all the necessary needs during the growth process.

Conducting fertilization can not be arbitrary because this process is one factor of quantity and quality of dragon fruit later examples of fertilization when dragon fruit there are no signs of flowering you can provide a lot of fertilizer containing nitrogen (N) while the dragon fruit already experienced signs will bear fruit then you need to provide a fertilizer that contains lots of phosphorus (F) and potassium (K).

Branch pruning.

How to care for the last dragon fruit plants is cutting branches, the purpose of this process so that plants can be preserved health when fruiting or before fruiting. If you cut the branch in accordance with the state of the plant, but our advice to cut branches of plants that are still shoots.

Just information, for branches that have been fruitful 3-4 times usually is not very productive so it needs to be rejuvenated. Former pieces of this branch can be used to be a dragon fruit seed. The most important thing in the pruning process is to make this plant shape more regular.

Harvesting Process.

Here are the moments that are waiting, after a few months we take care of the dragon fruit, then comes when dragon fruit and harvested.


We usually have been able to enjoy the results of our efforts after 10-12 months since the seeds are planted. Dragon fruit including fruit that has a very long productive period, can be up to 20 years. Well, very long indeed it turns out yes.

Usually, in one dragon fruit plant can produce up to 1 kg of dragon fruit. While with a land area of ​​1 hectare with 6400 plant amount will produce 6-7 tons dragon fruit once harvest. Dragon fruit cultivation can be said to succeed if in one year can produce 50 tons dragon fruit for every 1 hectare of land used. Wow, that's a very fantastic number is not it? No wonder why many people are also interested in cultivating dragon fruit in their yard.

For the appearance of dragon fruit ready to harvest the skin of the fruit began to shiny red color and reddish tassels of reddish color, green color has begun to diminish. The crown of the fruit shrinks and the base of the fruit begins to bud while the fruit starts rounding with a weight of 400-600 grams.

Tips on Raising Dragon Fruit True.

Here are some tips to grow dragon fruit which you should also consider:

  • First you have to find sandy soil planting media, dry and red.
  • If you have only a place where the wet-plated director uses lime as the solution.
  • Choose a soil that has a pH of 7 do not over, because if the soil is too acid the plant will often pounded mushrooms.
  • Try to cut the branch of the dragon fruit, because if too many branches of fruit will be little.
  • Maximum branch of one plant 4-6 only.
  • When the fruit season comes to do the cutting edge of the branch, it is intended that the plant does not concentrate on the growth of the stem.

Well that's a little information on how to plant dragon fruit that I can @sucindi convey, in addition I @sucindi also convey the benefits, how to care and tips to plant fruit. Hope can help you all, thank you.

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You just planted 0.05 tree(s)!

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Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

yes we should always plant trees, I will try to plant trees for the future.

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