Prepping My Gardens in Fall for Spring Planting

in gardening •  7 years ago 

gardening sustainableliving manure composting sunscape veggies .jpg

Two weeks ago we hooked up our trailer and visited a local horse farm to get a huge load of manure. Every year they let us come and take a load from the two year old, composted manure pile. I feel so fortunate to be able to do so and am thankful for the farmers generosity.

My husband and I spent a day last week cleaning the gardens and covering them with a 3 in deep layer of the nutrient, rich compost. Now, many of you would say why not wait until spring just before planting. Well, I have done that many times in the past. This year I wanted to put down all my shredded leaves, garden scrapes, ground up eggshells. shredded egg cartons and the manure in late fall instead. I would like to compare how my garden grows by letting everything decompose during the winter months to enrich my soil.

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I have found in the past that sometimes my young seedlings have struggled to adjust to the manure being put on the month before planting. I think that this will be a good test for me to see if they do better at taking off in the spring. Does anyone else put the composted materials on in late fall? I would be interested in your gardening experiences with manure.

This area where I have my raised beds. One has herbs, one strawberries and green onions, and I grow kale with them too. The larger one is for some of my root veggies, chards, and greens. Along side the house I have just planted my garlic cloves for next summers harvest. I actually put in 60 cloves this year.
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gardening sustainableliving manure composting veggies parsely .jpg

As you can see, I still have one more Daikon radish to harvest and also fresh parsley that is still going strong. I just threw the compost around them, doesn't it look nice and rich? I am feeling really good about doing it in the fall instead of spring. Any thoughts?

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Wow! Well organised. Plenty of work I guess...

Tons of work, but I love every minute of it. Happy weekend

i glad to see your garden, but How to spend so much time in the ministry?

Lots of time to work in the gardens.

Oh, so it's a lot better. Hope your cooperation is through Voiting

I'm spreading horse manure on the garden now. Is it good to put lime down now or wait a bit? Learning a lot about growing things from you. Thanks..

Wow, well I do not know about the lime, I have it to put down in the spring. Not sure what is better, I would have to research it. This is my first time doing manure in the fall. I am hoping it will be of great benefit. I learn something new every year and I have been growing for 50 + years. lol

Soil all sand on long Island, always needs sweetening . I meant to ask local farmer about lime when they were available.

Well, I am all sand too, I add peat moss, compost, and anything I can every year. Lime will be in the spring as I am too tired to play outside anymore this year after the manure spreading. The photos only show my veggie areas, I have a lot more gardens all around my home to attend to as well. Winter is a nice break and time to rethink what I will do different next year.

You have a well organized garden scheme. Lot of work but pays off I bet.

I do the same :)
welcome to the club
I prefer to do it early winter though no ice nor snow here yet :)

Good to hear, we have only had a trace of snow so far. I was happy to have time to get it down and I am hoping the seedlings are stronger getting started in the spring.