New Paradigm Parodies - The Starless Banner

in gardenofeden •  7 years ago 

On this beautiful summer day that many Americans observe as a holiday, we are thrilled to share one of our inspired New Paradigm Parodies with you!

Our own @kimberleighfl wrote a satirical poem/song about the recent stabbing attack on @quinneaker and the Arlington Police Department's gross incompetence in handling the "investigation".

We hope you enjoy this exploration of "freedom" in this country!

The Starless Banner

set to the tune of "The Star Spangled Banner"

O say can you see, by the GOE’s first light.
Where so peacefully we lived, ...until one night a crazy person attacked Quinn with a knife,
proving he was our blight.
With the squad cars' distracting red and blue glare, and the sound of the attacker's lies filling the air,
Gave proof through the night that APD corruption was still there. 

The victim covered in wounds, they claimed his story full of holes,
Zero interest in finding the truth,
since a chance to violate Quinn Eaker finally arose.
A wrongful arrest, charged as aggravated assault with a deadly weapon 

No Miranda rights stated, just slap on the cuffs and get to steppin’ 

“Can we give him some clothes and treat his wounds?” pleaded the GOE crew.
“Nope - it’s western medicine poison or the psych ward for him,” said the APD buffoons. 

Shock and dismay were the least of our emotions,
Letting the real attacker walk free brought anger and commotion. 

With the King removed from the castle, the stage was set,
They forced their way through the bamboo - to plant evidence I bet! 

No search warrant in hand, an invasion of land with claims of "just cause", 

They do what they want, regardless of the laws. 

With a team of more than 20, for a ridiculous number of hours the land they did freely roam.
“Searching” for a knife hid by the real attacker, and displacing women and children from their home.
They came up empty handed - since of course Eaker never possessed the knife.
All part of the plan since the lack of his prints on the weapon would ruin the wrong life. 

Now, trying to cover their incompetence, with blatant disregard for due process,
APD calls Big Brother the  Attorney General to hide body cam evidence which shows their carelessness. 

Does it ever end?  When will it stop? people say that it only takes one good cop.... 

A history of harassment for a man living free.
On this 4th of July all that justice and liberty we speak of sounds more of a pipe dream if you ask me...

~*~ Happy 4th of July~*~

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We have had numerous requests asking how people can be of service to help @quinneaker and our community @gardenofeden, and we are extremely grateful for that support!! Here's what you can do to help:

  1. Send good vibes! Prayer, dancing, meditating, chanting - anything you do to activate that light & love force of LIFE, please send some to @quinneaker for a speedy, easy healing!
  2. PLEASE SHARE these posts by resteeming on the blockchain and through other media outlets!!
  3. Donate to Quinn's Freedom Fund in fiat using the Donate button at the top of our homepage:
  4. Donate to Quinn's Freedom Fund in crypto through a free and instantaneous transfer here on the Steem blockchain, or send

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    LTC  Levh2ph11Bmsi3aPw3dB6jazvpGfMwKceW

    EOS or ETH  0x8F7bd2F6Cc132c62C3E9D7CC7f9aaB2c0ED84491
  5. We need a civil prosecutor AND a criminal defense lawyer! If you are an honorable lawyer or have a great recommendation for one, please contact us. 


For now, instead of giving away all of our resources towards helping others and providing free food, clothing, and shelter to anyone as we have for the past decade, we are now redirecting everything we have towards keeping Quinn out of jail. For more info, please read our PRESS RELEASE.

A better world IS possible~*~

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Another well done parody!
Humans are actually kind of a parody all in all

Super hilarious--and oh so true! Great parody @kimberleighfl. It's fun to have a funny songwriter in the house! Thanks for the laughs.

I hope Quinn gets well soon, what happened to him was horrible and he is such a good person

Full anjoy for summer holidays
Have a nice day

Wish you a happy Independence Day.. really you share with us the best article about country history and best wishes for your enjoyable holiday..

I hope you also enjoy this great day with your family and loved ones! :)

Good and very importent to me thank you so much

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