REGARDING THE NO-PLATFORMING OF GARETH ROBERTS, DOCTOR WHO WRITER Open Letter to Susie Day, Whovian Feminism AKA The Doctor Who Feminist Front, BBC books regarding Gareth Roberts: #NotMyDoctorWho KNOWS what is going on! THIS STOPS NOW!

in garethroberts •  5 years ago  (edited)

Open Letter to Susie Day, Whovian Feminism AKA The Doctor Who Feminist Front, BBC books regarding Gareth Roberts:
#NotMyDoctorWho KNOWS what is going on! THIS STOPS NOW!
Parents of the WORLD need to know of the radical agenda that has hijacked Doctor Who, and what you both have done and PLAN to do! We will NOT let Fandom be destroyed by fanatics who hate the show to its foundation, have BLACKMAILED their way into the production office, and plan to turn it into a vehicle for radicalising hate!

I am John. I am a life long Doctor Who fan. I was positive about the show doing something bold when it was announced the next actor in the role after Peter Capaldi would be a woman. I thought that done well, a female Doctor could be such an extraordinary character it could take the world by storm and lead the show to new heights.
So I sat down with an open mind to watch series 11, looking forward to embracing a new version of the Doctor. On the whole, the first episode went down pretty well. Then the second was a poorly constructed snore fest. The third set off major alarm bells. I never thought Doctor Who could be racist to its core fanbase, but it REALLY managed it! By the end of the series, audiences had collapsed from 10 million to 5 million, and the whole fanbase, a wonderfully community to be in for many years, had been dragged down into a horrendous hell.

“Well this is no good!” I said to myself, “this new guy Chibnall is totally incompetent and unfit for the job, he’s a talentless hack!”, and I engaged to support calls for him to be fired.

But what I thought would be a relatively simple protest campaign turned into something far darker and wider spread. The implications of what was found out over the next few weeks are horrifying.

I have no animus against Jodie Whitaker: she is an actress, and while I don’t believe she has put in a good performance as The Doctor, it is not her fault what is going on with scripts and the insanity gripping these fanatic writers attached to the orbit of the show. To reflect I am not against Jodie as a person, I added to the fan debate by creating the campaign #NotMyDoctorWho: the problem is with the show and the people in the inner circle of the production team, not Jodie as a person.

I did not come looking for a political fight: although I readily admit: I am good at winning them. But I have never thought to bring politics to my fandom. However, I have been forced by reason, integrity and intellectual honesty to go with the evidence that came forward as our community was active across the net.

What we discovered is a fanatic organisation calling itself #TheDoctorWhoFeministFront, which has openly bragged it is collecting and weaponizing #metoo allegations against the show to gain control of it, destroy the original fan base and writers pool, and pursuing an overt agenda to turn Doctor Who into blatant propaganda for intersexual feminist lesbianism. In particular, they are determined to make the female Doctor Who have a lesbian sexual relationship with the female British Pakistani Muslim character, and shove this down the face of the country and the mind of every child in Britain and the world. This is not an accidental confluence of co-incidences, but a target ideological strike on society, weaponizing control of the worlds greatest Science Fiction franchise.

We say: Doctor Who is an A-Sexual character and would NEVER have a sexual relationship with ANY Human Companion. To write that into the show is perversion and the action of a pervert. It is an insult to everything the character represents. To have a deep platonic love is as FAR as the Doctor/Companion relationship can EVER go. Shipping is harmless as fantasy but cannot be mainstreamed into the programme or official publications. It is strictly for fan fiction.

We collected the evidence we gathered from the Doctor Who Feminist Fronts own private bragging chambers, and presented it to the wider community where it has been widely seen. But until the sacking of Gareth Roberts, it was too theoretical for people to be 100% sure how serious the problem is.

You can see a pdf of our collected evidence HERE
And a detailed video breakdown of it HERE:

^^^ THIS IS KEY EVIDENCE AND DISCLOSURE OF THE FINDINGS OF #NotMyDoctorWho ^^^, supported by the speech of twitter and Facebook accounts of people connected to The Doctor Who Feminist Front and Whovian Feminist

Now, as Spike Magazine exposes that radicalised activists that HAVE forced the removal of Gareth Roberts from a BBC book project for “bigotry” READ HERE:

And Gareth Roberts @OldRoberts953 ‏ view of what has happened is HERE:

Gareth's record of work and achievement for the show HERE:
#NotMyDoctorWho is calling Susie Day @mssusieday and Whovian Feminism @WhovianFeminism out!


And you too Ebury Publishing @EburyPublishing, who has made this appalling decision and seem to agree with the aggressive ideology that has demanded it. You have thrown in your lot with a BAD crowd and now you have put yourself in a situation you will not contain #TheFandomMenance worldwide will not accept this!


We don’t know who you are. You have no record of achievements that we are aware of creating for Doctor Who and don’t recognise you as having contributed anything of worth to Doctor Who fandom.
Spiked says you are some sort of extremist, and they should know, but regardless of your politics, your aggression and hatred towards Gareth Roberts was the very example of IN-tolerance itself.

We cannot see what possible bearing a tweet or an opinion can have on a story crafted for a Doctor Who book, but perhaps inserting politicised messages into fiction is something you are far more familiar with.

We do not accept de-platforming of creatives is acceptable unless a CRIME can be shown to have occurred. Your offence-mongering seems malicious to us in and of itself. You have made no effort to debate with Gareth Roberts, to educate, to show tolerance, empathy, understanding, to encourage a better way. Instead you show the brutality and heartlessness of a killers bullet.

What is more, your obvious collusion with the Doctor Who Feminist Front connects you to them and their potentially criminal activities.

You should withdraw your OWN contribution from the proposed publication immediately.

You do NOT speak for the majority of Doctor Who fandom.

We do not give a flying fuck about anyone’s politics, religion, ethnicity or sexuality

We only care about fans talking to fans sharing their love of the program: WHOEVER they are.
Your fundamentalist abolitionism is an insult and offence to the very spirit of Whovian fandom, and enough is enough. For all your talk of protecting vulnerable feelings, you wilfully inflict disdain hate and misery. You are a hypocrite. We do not need you and you do not speak for us.

“WHOVIAN FEMINISM” aka the “Ami Alexander” writers group aka The Doctor Who Feminist Front.

You are a bully and a group of bullies. You are nasty, aggressive, manipulative, plotting, hateful and vicious.
In your own mind we have no doubt you feel justified. Extremists always DO feel justified for the pain and damage they inflict.

We recognise you are loyal and protective of those inside your inner circle. We see how they idolise you and follow your instructions. We understand the strategy you have deployed and the size and ambition of your network. And we know all these things because you are a colossal egoist and can’t help talking about it!

We know you have collected MeToo allegations against the BBC, we know you claim to have at least two persons with stories you are using to get what you want.

We are very disturbed by this. Firstly if paedophiles or other forms of abusers are connected or have been connected to Doctor Who, especially in current times, which is what you seem to be saying, this is an urgent matter for POLICE, not for you to sit on and keep these potential victims close to you and your masterplan to sort it all out. Withholding such information is itself a potential crime and a breach of duty for child safeguarding.

We are not professional investigators or law enforcement, but we certain support such people looking at the evidence we have collected about the activities of the Doctor Who Feminist Front and its mouthpiece accounts on Twitter, Facebook and other platforms. EVERYTHING has been documented, and we say it needs taking further, and the BBC needs to get involved, especially since you targeted both Benjamin Cook and Christel Dee, and both have suddenly gone. Now Gareth Roberts has gone, because you will scream blue murder if anyone else like Big Finish etc features his EXCELLENT creative work. That you lot can’t see past your own fat heads and therefore cant write for shit was amply demonstrated during series 11 #GoWokeGoBroke

But we also know its more than that. That you claim to be a collusion of powerful feminist writers whose ultimate aim is to destroy Doctor Who as a hateful symbol of the patriarchy. Your claims seem preposterous: and yet you have shown your hand with Gareth Roberts, and you cannot avoid the full scrutiny of the fan community.

On that basis, all fans should immediately LEAVE and BOYCOTT anything you are connected to if they do not stand with your lunatic agenda. You are spamming “normal looking” fan content out drawing in fans, then isolating and destroying all those who represent targets for your intersectional fascism, sending in attack accounts to destroy peoples confidence and inflict misery on them over social media. We will not allow this to continue @InDefenseCast @drwhothisweek are poisonous.

We wonder what could possibly have happened to you to make you so furious and filled with rage. We know your hatred of ALL men, both gay and straight, is fundamental to your ideology and everything that you do. What is worse is that you are a sexually aggressive predator. You claim to decry sexist men, but not to protect women from predation: no, so YOU can predate them. Your sexual fantasies about Jodie Whittaker are deeply concerning and represent an entirely selfish and abusive form of sexuality. That the Doctor Who Feminist Front intends to use the show to put these nasty male hating ideas directly into the show, especially coveting influence over the minds of small children, is nothing less than EVIL, and an offence against public morals and decency. Every parent whose children watch the current version of Doctor Who need to be informed, so they can make the informed choice to protect their children from your twisted form of hateful communism.

We call the eyes of the entire world down onto you, what you have done, why you have done it, and to ensure the BBC acts to STOP this vile use of Doctor Who. If the BBC will not respond in short order, we will move to see series 12 JUNKED and NEVER BROADCAST: and that is not an idle statement.

You poked the lion and thought yourself brave. You were foolish. Now comes the reaction including the eyes of the media and the authorities.


You have made a very significant and major mistake, doing what you have already done many times before, and given way to the militant minority and their manufactured world view of grievances and hurts.

In doing so, you have torn down the good name of a writer who has given much to Doctor Who, including keeping the series alive during the long hiatus 1989-2005.

WE, the Doctor Who Fandom and wider community who you try to market and sell Doctor Who too, will not accept this.
We demand you either restore Gareth Roberts story, or REMOVE Susie Days!

Failure to resolve this in 7 days 12:00 noon 14/05/2019 will see an organised lawful activist effort mobilised against your company, and you can answer to the book buying general public about your totalitarian and repressive policy.


We don’t know if you are “right” or not Gareth.
Confusion about one’s core identity seems a terrible and torturing thing to us. We do not doubt there are people who do so suffer who CHOOSE transgender surgery in the belief it will improve their quality of life and find acceptance both with themselves and with society.

We could argue whether hormone treatment and surgery “Equals” changing sex or not, but we do not feel we can argue the right of those who choose that to feel their identity has changed, regardless of intellectual debate. We also recognise they have the LEGAL right to do so and any interference in that right attracts penalties at colour of law: whether anyone likes it or not. It is a matter to petition elected representatives to review that at this stage.

It does seem common sense to us that formerly male persons should not use female facilities as a female until they have completed the full process. We recognise women are potentially intimidated and vulnerable to legally female people with a functioning penis, and believe they should be reasonably protected from risks in what should be THEIR safe spaces.

We don’t consider you hateful, but just as you feel as you feel and you have a right to be understood, so do others have a right to have their contrary feelings respected

We don’t know you personally, we are #NotMyDoctorWho, we stand with you on the basis of FREEDOM and FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND EXPRESSION and do not consider anyone should lose their livelihood unless they have committed a crime. The court of pubic opinion, especially when manipulated by professional outrage mongers, is a cruel and brutal one.

We represent the TRUE tolerance of Doctor Who fandom, an open church to all without HATE in their hearts: just LOVE for the show and the example set for all of us by the Doctor and companions heroism. Long term fans all know what has happened with these militant lunatics parasiting onto the show, and it must be brought to light, exposed, and burned away with the fire of JUSTICE and TRUTH.


We ask you to take the findings of Not My Doctor Who forwards and follow the trail to every place it leads, and report in full on your findings. Then a truly informed fandom can make its choices about the show, and the public can be made aware of what has been going on.


John The White![]

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