With the tremendous growth of file storage, Problems arise also more and more. Like security problems, privacy, cost and file size can be saved. Therefore the Gas File comes, to overcome the problems that arise.
What is Gas File
Gas Files ia a new technology focusing on security, privacy and unlimited file storage solution at an affordable caot its user. Gas File is digital file storage utilizing blockchain IPFS and Ethereal technology, Gas Files allow everyone worldwide to store any number of files of any size with no restrictions or security issues. Gas File decentralize storage network.
Blockchain is the world's leading software platform for digital assets. offering the largest production blockchain platform in the new word, we using new technology to build a radically better financial system. Blockchain is most secure technologi adn storage nowdays.
With multiple files safely storedon tehe blockchain, user can now select a file or multiple files simultaneously and upload. The actual file does not get upload to a server. This blockchain is private, no one else can convert your files or download it . if you have your settings set to private they will not even to able to see the file.
User can share selected files at any time just by selecting the files and adding the people you wish to send them to. To download a file off the private blockchian its as simple as uploading it on the blockchain. You simply choose the files (one or multiple) and select where you wish to save or download the file.
The Gas File including Gas Archive contain approximately 40m records and is updated monthliy with around 100,000 records. 990% of all movers are captured whithin 12 month of moving
New architecture will deliver enhanced scalability, security and resilience. A breakdown of the functions:
-Login to Gas Files Platform using unique identifier
- Upload files
- Files are encrypted
- Encrypted files are split into shards
- Audit pre-processing is performed for each shards
- Shards may be transmitted to the network.
There is a 32mb size limit per block so once the file is converted if it is over this limit it will be automatically split into shards before converted to hash and sent to the network. Once the file is stored on the secure Blockchain it can easily be converted back to its original form and saved to the destination of the users choice: ie computer.

InterPlanetary File System (IPFS):
IPFS uses a content-addressable distribution protocol with a content-address for each document that is “hyperlinked” to the data. Addresses in IPFS are directly linked to an exact and unalterable block of content.
IPFS + Ethereum Storage:
IPFS provides a convenient interface for distributed data storage, with a hash-based content address for reference to our file. This address will be stored in our smart contract on a private Ethereum Blockchain
Gas Files Solution
Gas File come to solve the problems encountered. There are simply no limitations of size or quantity with Gas Files and our platform focuses on privacy and security utilizing the strengths of modern Blockchain technology.
Gas File have a simple platform and secure. A user will sign up to the platform with a secure identifier with 2FA (2-factor authorization) much like you would at blockchain.com. The user now has access to the private Blockchain. Blockchain technology changed the world of financial transactions with its unique mathematical algorithm. This algorithm made financial transactions secure, yet they are public for the world to see. Gas Files while secure, will store a lot of private and sensitive information.
The transfer will be instant and you will have the option of making the file public or private. In Gas File there are no limitations of size or quantity. You can store as many files as you want on the Blockchain and they will be stored much in the same way that a Cryptocurrency stores transaction information on the Blockchain.
A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are a type of digital currencies, alternative currencies and virtual currencies. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized electronic money and central banking systems. The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through a blockchain, which is a public transaction database, functioning as a distributed ledger.
Token Sale
Due to the huge demand for secure digital storage solution, liquidity of the Gas token should exponentially increase as adoption grow. Gas File will use capitali generate from ICO develop, Gal File platform and market it to the word in a timely fashion which should drive up demand for the Gas token .
Gas Files Tokens are ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain. The sale begins on Feb 9, 2018, and will end on March 9, 2018, or when the hard cap of 10000 ETH is reached. The total supply of tokens will be 100,000,000. Each GAS token will be priced at 0.0003 ETH at the start of the token sale with bonuses on a sliding scale depending on the period of purchase.
- Total supply: 100,000,000 GAS
- Token sale supply: 60,000,000 GAS
- Soft Cap: 1,000 ETH
- Hard cap: 10,000 ETH
Exchange Rate: 1 GAS = 0.0003 ETH = $0.18 USD. Each GAS token will be priced at 0.0003 ETH, with bonuses on a sliding scale depending on the period of purchase.
ETH or Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.
These apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property
The sliding scale bonus is specified as follows:
- 30% Bonus for the first 24 hours
= 20% Bonus for the first week - 10% Bonus until March 02


Gas Files Team

Gas Files Advisors

With Blockchain technology, Gas File has solved the problem of digital file storage. With that technology Gas File can store any number of files of any size and shrink it to a single line of code and store it safely and securely on the Gas Files private Blockchain.
Website : https://www.gasfiles.com/
Whitepaper : http://www.gasfiles.com/wp.pdf
Author : ririsw
BTT URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1820137