El Gato Siames Modern vs Traditional

in gatos •  3 years ago 

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The Modern Siamese Cat

The modern Siamese (also known as the tactical cat) is a breed of cat from the ancient kingdom of Siam, now Thailand. In 1882 they were brought to England and in 1890 to the United States.

This type of Siamese, since 1950, was gaining prominence and turned out to be the one chosen by breeders and cat show judges. Perhaps this is why the name "Siamese" was coined for the modern Siamese, since it is the variety that has participated at the competition level during all these decades.

The standard of the modern Siamese or stylized Siamese indicates an elegant, slender, slender, flexible and well-muscled body, with a color scheme called pointed and in other cases, colorpoint. Its head is triangular in shape, the muzzle is thin, the eyes are almond-shaped and oblique, the ears are large, the neck is slender and long, as well as its body and tail. Its hair is short, shiny, fine, soft, tight and adherent to the body. The Siamese is characterized by its typical pointed color scheme, that is to say, by a darker coloration in the points where the body temperature is lower (limbs, tail, face and ears), which contrasts with the rest of the body.
Characteristics of the Persian cat

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Traditional Siamese Cat

The origins of the Siamese cat are imprecise, although there are antecedents that in Siam (now Thailand), these animals coexisted with the king and his family, being exclusive specimens of the royalty. This privilege is due to the fact that they were granted a pure character, since at birth this species is white, a sacred color in Siam, which led to its great popularity in those times.

The traditional Siamese or Thai, on the other hand, is a variety within the same Siamese breed coming from Thailand and equivalent to the ancient Siamese or ancestral Siamese, which gave origin through genetic plans to the modern Siamese. Although it shares some characteristics with the modern Siamese (for example, the coloring pattern or achromelanism), it differs from the latter by its rounded shapes.

Thus, the Thai has a more compact and rounded body, head with full and rounded cheeks, shorter muzzle, high set but not huge ears, elongated (not totally oblique) light blue or blue eyes, shorter to medium tail and generally with a more rounded and thicker tip. The accepted colors are the same as for the modern Siamese. One of the cats believed to have originated in Thailand is the Si-Sawat, or Korat. It is a silver-colored cat with green eyes; many now believe that today's Blue Point comes from this ancestor.

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