Gauntlet Update: March 21st, 2022

in gaunews •  3 years ago 

Hey everybody! What a week it has been. We have some very exciting news this week for everybody. Let’s dive into what we were up to this week, shall we? Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and engage with us on all our social media channels. Let’s go…


Client V1 Development

We are delighted to announce that we are finally finished with our very first version of the Gauntlet Gaming Client! We have currently submitted the GAUV1 to core group for review to locate any bug fixes if there are any. This was done after local testing. Tomorrow we will send our ten (10) Beta testers the links for download so that they can give us their feedback and finally we will release the download links to the public community this Friday!

There will be six (6) links in the update this coming Friday and it will be the download links for the following operating systems:

Windows 64bit, Windows 32bit, Apple Silicon, Apple Intel, Linux 64bit, and Linux Arm 64 bit.

We will continue to compile feedback from everyone before we begin to work on the second version of the client which will be a functional client by the end of the next quarter. We are so excited here at Gauntlet, we now have an actual product and with G2A and Gamivo as our global gaming partners and many more to come, we are very hopeful about our future.

As stated last week, please bear in mind that this will not be a functional software as of yet. It will just be a showcase of what we will do inside our client, so it can be referred to as a showcase demo.


Gauntlet Survey Winner Announcement

During the week we announced the winners of the Gauntlet Survey Competition. We would like to congratulate the top three winners mentioned in the graphic below. Well done! We proceeded and picked another seven (7) winners and gave them each 100 GAU tokens plus a chance to test our V1 release this week. Payments have already been sent out to the winners and beta testers will be given client download links tomorrow.


We Are Still Hiring!

We are looking for an individual that can assist us with market research. We will pay the right candidate GAU weekly. This will require only about 1–2 hours per day. If you are driven and want to grow with us please let us know. You can email us at [email protected]


GAU Anti-Cheat System

We will start designing this system this week. We already have preliminary ideas so we will be expanding around those. Whether our client is paid-to-play or not, you will always get those who cheat. Our software will have the ability to detect any player that cheats in accordance with a very comprehensive list of parameters.

The player will be warned and thereafter banned for a selection of progressive time-frames if they continue to breach the GAU Client Code of Conduct (This will be released in due course and added to our TOCs). This could be hours, days, weeks, or even months depending on the breach score.


Paid Advertising

We’ve put this off until after Client V1 has been released as it would give us more of a presence and a better reason to support this project in the eyes of the public. So starting next week we will engage with the services of two paid promotional services to increase our brand and product out there. We have advertising on Binance too in our sights as well as a host of other large platforms coming soon.

Pink and Blue Galaxy Gaming YouTube Channel Art.png

Fundraising Activities

Now that we are releasing our soft demo, we have something tangible to bring to mid and large fundraising platforms and get their attention. We’ve already been speaking to one earlier this morning who stated that most new projects don’t have a utility behind them and most ideas are based on concepts only. This is not the case at Gauntlet!

We want to get our community active again. Since the beginning we never went anywhere, we were always working, tweaking, and moving forward for nearly two years now. So our goal now will be to ramp up our marketing and speak to as many platforms as possible and select the most appropriate one to see this project through to its final version later this year.

So much is planned both with the client and beyond it. So people share our updates, stories and invite people to join our server. Finally, we would like to thank everybody for their patience and support over the past two years. We wouldn’t be here without our dedicated core group and the support of our members.


That’s all there is for this week people. Stay tuned for further updates during the week and next weekend. Have a great weekend and week everybody.

Gauntlet Team

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