Gaza Conflict: Who is The Loser?

in gaza •  7 years ago 


The suffering Palestinian masses were recently living with a prayer for an end to the agonizing conflict which began on July 8 2014, and they were answered as a fresh seize fire was brokered between Israel and Hamas. Both sides claim they got the better of the other and pat themselves for their victories. Their assertions may be debatable but there is not a grain of doubt that the losers were the civil population of Gaza who were bombarded relentlessly by the Israelis.
Though Israel has refrained from conflicts with its other neighbors Egypt and Jordan in recent times, but Palestine is a different ball game. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been brewing since the 19th century when nationalist feelings engulfed both the Jews and the Arabs, and many nationalist movements were instigated. By 1920s Palestinian nationalism movement was launched which asserted independent territory for Palestine.

The recent spat between Israel and Hamas has resulted in countless people losing their homes, many ended up dead or in hospitals, and there were concerns expressed by various human rights groups upon the sanity of the Israeli aggression. Many well known personalities world over could not resist calling for an end to this madness, with star footballer Lionel Messi being one of them.

While Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims victory as he asserts that Hamas did not gain an inch from the conflict and were sold some dummies while Israel asserted its dominance in the region. Though looking back he may reflect that the war also ended with 70 Israelis dead, and it set the country’s economy back by few years, with tourism getting hit the most.
Hamas has its version of success and claim they had their pound of flesh as they were able to disrupt the Tel Aviv international airport, withstand the Israeli firepower, and the conflict brought the plight of the Palestinians to the world’s eye. But Mr. Ismail Haniya cannot deny hundreds of homes were destroyed and many lives were lost.

But yes, Israelis have lost their morals, not too long back the Jews themselves were victims of genocides, but they have turned the table and are doing to people living in Gaza what the Nazis did to them. They have successfully killed over 1,800 people, wounded nearly 10,000, and there is a boom in hospitals and graveyards. There are heart rendering images and videos of people returning to their depleted homes after the ceasefire trying to scavenge what little was left of their belongings. One can just wonder how the Jews justify such acts of brutality, and more so how can America the preacher of justice choose the wrong side.

To be honest the war is very unevenly matched, while Israel has Iron Dome system that alerts its citizens of any incoming rocket attacks and is capable of intercepting rockets and detonating them in midair. For the citizens of Gaza it the deafening bangs from bombs, which alert them that they are under attack.

Skirmishes between Hamas and Israelis keep erupting with each wanting the other to acknowledge its existence. Whether they succeed is to be seen but these conflicts definitely put the existence of innocent Palestinian is jeopardy.

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Fix Gaza, fix the world~ Max Igan quote!