We keep hearing the "30,000 people are dead!" shout from the people who are claiming that Israel is committing genocide.

in gaza •  7 months ago 


Let me explain why these people are stupid.

They're completely ignoring the reality that not all Gazan lives are equal. Even if you take Hamas's number as gospel (which you shouldn't), at least nine thousand of those people were combatants. So, the civilian to combatant casualty ratio is between 2:1 and 3:1 depending on which numbers you believe.

In urban warfare, those are better than standard numbers. We've seen a lot of urban warfare over the last several decades with a much larger portion of the casualties being civilians than what we're seeing in the Gaza with no accusations of genocide.

Conversely, Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7th resulted in effectively 100% civilian casualties.

Raw numbers are useless without looking at other factors. Yes, throughout the history of the conflict, more Gazans have been killed than Israelis; but, in terms of civilian deaths, Israel has been far more careful to avoid killing Gazan civilians than Hamas has been in avoiding killing Israeli civilians. I mean, that's not hard being that Hamas's goal is to kill every Jew.

What's more, in every one of these conflicts, including this one, a lot of Gazans have been killed by friendly fire. Early on in he fighting, Hamas claimed that Israel bombed a hospital. Video evidence made it clear that the hospital was hit by a malfunctioning Gazan rocket.

It's still up in the air how many Gazans have been killed by the IDF as opposed to Hamas.

If you're going to accuse people of genocide, do ten minutes of fucking research.

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