in gem •  5 years ago 

A happy Sunday to you all Steemiams. So excited to be here again. And what a priviledge to share ourown perspective about life. We believe there are no natural born leaders. We aren't born with a sign to us that says "natural born leaders". We are a product of our environment, how we grow up, what we are exposed to, what goes in our mind. At any point we can change who we are and where we are headed.
Most people we talk to don't feel like a leader, and there is nothing wrong with that. If we ask you "are you a chef"? Maybe not, but you could become one. If we ask you, "can you fly" an airplane?" Probably not, but you could go to school and practice, starting with small planes and moving up to become one.. The same progression takes place in life. We become a leader if we want to become a leader. You can become the change you want to be. But wanting is not enough. The author and speaker T Harv Eker says there are actually three levels of so-called wanting The first level is " I want to be rich" That's another way of saying. I will take it if it falls to the lap". Wanting alone is useless. Have you noticed that wanting doesn't necessarily lead to having"? Notice also wanting without having leads to more wanting. Nothing comes from merely wanting. How do you know that is true?
With a simple reality check, billions of people want to become, relatively few are.

The second level of wanting is "I choose to become". Choosing is much stronger energy and goes hand in hand with being responsible for creating your reality. Choosing is better, but not best.
The third level of wanting is "I commit to being". The definition of the word commit is to devote oneself unreservedly. This means holding nothing back; giving 100percent of everything. It means being willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. It means carrying into action deliberately. To commit means to make it happen no matter what. When you make a commitment, you make it important, you decide no matter, life changes for you. But most people don't keep their commitments to their commitments. That's why they lead lives of poverty, lives of misery, lives of unhappiness. Socrates said the uncommitted life isn't worth living. So whatever commitment you make, to be a better father, to go back to make a difference in the community, To go back to change your life, to decide not have to use drugs or alcohol again, to decide that you are going to begin to recreate yourself, that you are going to be reborn to a new state of consciousness. Whatever commitment that you make, keep your commitment to your commitment, no matter what. If it's hard, then do it hard but keep your commitment to your commitment.
Others go through the action of committing. But are not committed. We are not committed, connected and joined to get there. We have no understanding of our responsibility to any relationship. You don't understand reciprocity. There is no relationship without reciprocity. Reciprocity means you've to give to get. Add up what you're getting and weigh it against what you are giving and then you will know whether you are committed to it. Until you are willing to give at least as good as you can get, you will not have it. What do you give to get?
Most people give excuses, but, if, noes with the expectation of getting what they want or become what they want. If you don't learn to give like you learn to get in any area of your life that there is no reciprocity it will die.
You never fully invested in anything. You never fully engaged. You never fully studied. You want to become something that you are not willing to give yourself to. You must willing to be committed to anything you are dreaming off enough to see it happen or you throw pennies in the wishing well of life wanting to receive on credit something that you are willing to pay for. You must be committed to that dream. You've never been the person you could be, because you could be is locked down commitment. And until you are committed, you will not have the could be.
You have to be committed to it through the storm and the rain and heartache and the pain and the disappointment. Committed enough to make it happen. It is a commitment. It is not a feeling. I have never met anybody who became incredibly successful in any area of their life until they have suffered and sweated and sacrificed and kept their focus and fought through tears and trials and tests I will end with the story of a very well known great leader T.D Jakes. He didn't have anything. The church didn't have any members He'd get off work working at car buy and drive up the road and work on the church till he had to turn around and go back to work. He worked when he didn't have food he worked when he didn't have lights he was putting his whole check in the offering all of it trying to keep it going when he finally got some staff he went on the road preaching and whatever he did on the road preaching I brought it home to make the payroll of the staff and sometimes I got them paid and couldn't pay himself. Commitments. Look like a fool. He didn't have any clothes, his suits was falling off his line and wore out his clothes, couldn't send them to the cleaners had to wash his suit in the washing machine they laughed at him, look like an old raggedy country preacher, he had holes in my shoes I couldn't. He couldn't kneel down and pray because, if he knelt down to pray they would see holes in his shoes they laughed at him, they said that the boys lost his mind he'll never be nothing, he'll never be a preacher. But he fought for his dream. He kept his commitment to his commitment that no matter how bad it is or how hard it gets. He's is going to make it happen. He threw his whole self into the vision that God has given him and today he's a great leader, preacher and entrepreneur.
If you are not fully, totally, and truly commited to recreating yourself, chances are you won't.
And here we finish today's post Steemiams, I hope you liked it and that you enjoyed it. We are the Neopreneurs and we will be waiting for you in our next post.

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