Parents The Living Legends.
What does that mean? If this is your question read the post completely.!
Have you ever wondered about your parents!
Like how do they do all those stuff for you?
You know (99.99%) of the parents are risking their lives for the sake of their children.
The best example of this is the chaos which is in front of our eyes and that is the current situation.
You are spending your life easily and apply but our parents are working for our sake.
I guess you got my point.
{Photo by TUBARONES PHOTOGRAPHY from Pexels}
Now how many of you really like and respect your parents? The truth is most of you really don't respect them. And if you do respect them I appreciate them because in the future you're also going to be in that same situation.
Whenever you're in any danger or you feel tensed about anything first try to tell your parents what are you bothering about then automatically you will find the answers for y questions or for this:-{Parents The Living Legends. }
All I wanted to tell you is to respect and love your parents and don't leave their hand at all no matter what the situation and what the condition you're in.
Finally, how many of you really think that your parent is a true legend? @iammnsr
Please comment.